"Oh my ale is fine and plenty" she replies not looking for more drunkenness but simply to mellow. She looks at Hunter and rolls her eyes while sipping from her mug.
Hunter smiles at Krusten as he addresses the patron. "If you want to learn then you need to see the different places in the town they offer skills which you can master but make sure to chose wisely from the start." Upon seeing the new comer (Percival) he says, "You want to leave and you just got here?" He taps him lightly on the back, "Stay awhile have a drink and listen to us talk… "
"Well first of all what are you doing in this town? What are you looking to achieve? We all seem to have different things we want to accomplish but only a few of us have the real deal going on."
'One seeks tons of gold for little work, gallons of wine for little gold, and many a lady for little wine'. He smiles at his own jokes, amused. 'And revenge upon those who wronged me, of course. But this is such grim talk! Prithee, tell me- what does one need to do to become insanely rich?'
"Ah you are a gold man, but aren't we all. You will need to work hard, take some assignments and do adventure to get what you want. The easy way is to see the exchanger."