"Nay, Wench, I'm as magick as a drunk disappearing into the dark of night. Which means I am really just a drunk!"
The Town's loud Tavern Wench calls for a Magic Tricks of which drunkard Elerous accepted. No magic trick at all as Elerous finds the crowd hilariously laughing at what was intended to be a magic trick is not a disaster! Elerous has not the Magician Skill but unwisely thinks to be better than the Tavern's Challenge much to detriment of Elerous. What an embarrassing situation! That brings on some giddy laughs.
"A joke ye want? I fear the only joke here be me, friend!"
The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench insists on the Having a Laugh of which failed Yuri accepted. Yuri attempts to tell a joke, but it is so flat that no one laughs so someone lets out a few farts. Yuri is sorely unlucky! Yuri is hurt while trying the Joker Skill.