Krusten looks on the hooded man shaking her head. She says, "Anyway, I believe I have shown through this year that I can maintain strength as your queen. I will not ask you all to bow now as it is not official… perhaps later." She smiles and leaves everyone scratching their head.
"Me Lords and meh Ladies, I have been known to dance upon quite a few tabletops in meh bygone halcyon days! Not well, I warrant thee! Observe me thusly for thine own amusement!"
The Town's thunderous Tavern Wench calls for a Traditional Medieval Dance of which awkward Yuri accepted. Yuri attempts a dance or what looks like an exercise in awkwardness that leaves everyone flabbergasted. Yuri is sorely unlucky! Yuri is hurt while trying the Dancing Skill.
Folding her arms she gave the grave attempt at bring laughter in the tavern a twisted mouth and slight shake of the head. She of course refused when she was offered the same as she knew what she was good at and what she wasn't.
The Town's loud Tavern Wench yells out that no coward should take up the Having a Laugh of which failed Wolf accepted. Wolf attempts to tell a joke, but it is so flat that no one laughs so someone lets out a few farts. Wolf is sorely unlucky! Wolf is hurt while trying the Joker Skill.