Hunter raises a brow, "How you entertain yourself is up for you to decide. Some of us are quite happy with gold but there is always the brothel if that's your thing."
Walking into the new tavern Lorica takes a seat near a table with a gent across from it. Starting up a conversation she says in a friendly tone, "What a curious place you have here it is quite interesting and full of more things than I had imagined. It must have taken a lot of work building a town like this."
Seeing that her presence is appreciated she continues, "Well I have been here just for one day so I am very much new. I cam for a new beginning since the passing of my mother. Have you been here long?"
"Combat? Exploring? Those are things I am interested in but not so much the combat as I am still very weak and need some muscularity to cope." She shows her arms and the puny muscles on them with a look of disappointment.
"Why would a lovely lady such as yourself want to be involved in combat and need muscles? Why I cannot even begin to see that pretty face of yours bruised" says Hunter in an upfront but caring way.
"Oh please, my face has nothing to do with my aspirations and I am very determined that with a little time and effort I can accomplish big things!"