The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench insists on the Jump Tavern stools challenge. Of which the noble Rangarth accepted. Showing off some skill, Rangarth jumps clear over to the other side in stylized fashion much to the amazement of those watching. Rangarth triumphs in the Jump Skill with success and feels joyous about the outcome. Bets totalled 6 gold pieces on your Jump. Everyone sings "Jump is no match for Rangarth." Rangarth received 29 experience points.
Her morning is interrupted with the chants for her to tell a joke but she cannot remember the joke she shared last time and wonders if she might be repeating herself.
The Town's thunderous Tavern Wench dares the Having a Laugh of which clumsy Melodee accepted. Melodee attempts to tell a joke, but it is so flat that no one laughs so someone lets out a few farts. Melodee is sorely unlucky! Melodee is hurt while trying the Joker Skill.
The Town's rowdy Tavern Wench calls for a Traditional Medieval Dance of which fearless Melodee accepted. Moving one foot and then another Melodee sways arms and moves like a professional dancer much to the delight of onlookers. Melodee uses the Dancing Skill successfully and is quite happy at the result. Some were betting, so a total of 9 gold pieces was collected for Dancing. A loud roar of joy errupts as they say "Melodee is a champion of Dancing, who can do greater?" Melodee received 12 experience points.