Acting the part of ignorant Merlin also wonders what he is talking about as he knows openly announcing anyone's intentions to be a ruler could bring unwanted attention from the monarchy. "Ruler?"
Turning to Merlin, "Perhaps he is referring to himself?" Looking at Arrem, "So you are a ruler you say? Ruler of what because there are no rulers here." She offers a smirk.
Charmaine says, "Perhaps we can make a difference but I guess in this world we need to do it individually rather than as a collective… a word I prefer than 'gang' which comes off as something negative."
Merlin shakes his head in agreement and adds, "yes, however I firmly believe any good that we do needs to be done as individuals.... " He sits back and swishes around some ale before gulping.
Gwen steps in the tavern and stops for a while to recollect the current chit-chat around. "Gosh, it has really been a while since I've last been here… " - she sighs.