Seeing the audacious man (Grimnpoldt) speak in drunken tone causes Hunter to smirk as he raises his brow and then becomes distracted by Charmaine's call to a new comer.
"Halo?" says a voice from outside the entrance to the drunken Tavern. Its amazing anyone heard the shallow call because the old man's voice was very faint.
A wench quickly rushes over to the large oaken door with a mind that someone must be in need of help. She opens… and is surprised to see an old man dressed in robes.
He looks at her politely and says with a slightly puzzled face, "Is this the new amphitheater?"
The wench laughs as she shakes her head in disapproval to which the old man says,
"There be needin' some games in this here place, just lots of talk but I want to see some games!"
The old man walks off leaving everyone to wonder what he meant.
Charmaine is surprised by the sudden distraction between the wench and the man at the door. She asks the others, "Were they saying something about an amphitheater or did I hear wrong?"
"That is what we are trying to determine at the moment!" She says looking back at the person who asked the question. "If anyone has any leads please let us know." she says in general.
I cannot assist although I would like to. In my travels within this town I have not come across such a place but if there is one I want to know about it as well.