Low Click Payout
Yesterday has to be a record for the lowest payout for Clicks I have ever seen. I'm not sure if I can disclose info, but I will just say that relative to the amount of clicks I saw (which was a little less than average) the payout was much less than it usually is supposed to be.
Low click payout is usually associated with some things I have a theory about.
1. Certain Ads give a better payout than others, for instance something advertising games will never pay as good as something talking about business, real estate, mortgage or stocks.
2. It seems that Google has her 'moments' if you will, where one day you will get great click per rate ratios and then other days not.
3. However the real underlying cause is a lack of 'good' traffic. By good I mean new active traffic. I have been so busy with updating that I have not concentrated on advertising which take a lot of time (hence I do not do it often). If you have thousands upon thousands of visitors then you are likely to make a good return regardless of the 'moment'.
Maybe LDS_forever can also shed some light on it.