Chewing gum weight loss warning
Too much "sugar-free" chewing gum can lead to severe weight loss and diarrhoea, doctors warn.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7180800.stm
You're going to see an explosion of sales of this type of gum! Many women will do "anything" to get a quick fix on weight loss that doesn't require much effort. Even if they read that it will make them sick with diarrhea, you watch and see. This will be the next big "thing."
QUOTE (FarSeer @ 12-Jan 08, 2:31 AM) |
Many women will do "anything" to get a quick fix on weight loss that doesn't require much effort. |
When I heard what the side effects were, it was certainly enough to put me off even considering trying it, but I'm sure there are going to be very high sales for this regardless of the lasting effects that it will hold for women.
yeah I agree women would do anything to reach their goals fast especially when they live in an unforgiving world such as this, where being slim means you are beautiful and can even win you some extra attention, so sometimes I really cant blame these people for being this way rather I blame the media and its influence on people
I hope that women do not take this short cut. I wish women would stop buying the magazines that tell them that they need to be supper thin to be beautiful. I feel if women stopped buying those magazines they will in turn stop preaching the thin is beautiful mind set
Chewing gum does not exert enough effort to burn calories sufficent to make any noticable difference in the way you look, at least not in a shaort period of time. I like chewing gum but I think this can turn into an obsession.