Dark Knight takes a record $155m
New Batman film The Dark Knight sets a box office record after taking $155m on its opening weekend in the US and Canada.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7516316.stm
The Dark Knight (Hover)
Haven't see it yet, don't know if I even care to but just wanted to comment on the success of it mainly being related to Heath Ledger's part in it. I heard someone say that he should get an oscar for his role in it. Give a dead man an oscar? The other thing I read somewhere, can't remember where is that the role of the Joker made him turn to drugs.
I saw The Dark Knight on Friday in IMAX. It was a spectacular movie. There were so many different things that happened in the movie, I really would like to see it again.
Heath Ledger's performance was enthralling and so scary. I had shivers going down my back and fear for each scene he was in. Except for one scene, but I won't ruin anything. I could barely tell that Heath Ledger was the joker sometimes, because he alters his voice throughout the whole movie, and I'm always used to hearing him with an accent too.
I believe that Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar for that performance. Yes, he is dead, but it should be given to his name for his family to keep.
Everything I've heard about Heath Ledger's death has been conflicted in a different report. Everything just seems like a rumour. I don't think the media can be trusted or should even be paid attention to. The only people who know the truth are his friends and family. Those are the only people that need to know.
I wouldn't recommend this movie for a 10 or even 5 year old. The opening scenes have people shooting other people in the head or the back. The graphics aren't shown, but it's very obvious. The Joker also kills two men in gruesome ways. The events happen quickly so you don't see the gore, but you know what happened.
My son went to see it opening night and said it was awesome. I would like to see it on IMAX, unfortunately there isn't one in Alaska - Yet. Heath Ledger has always been a versatile actor. But I understand the other performances were quality also. It apparently is a well made movie.