Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
Welcome Adventurer! We bid thee greetings and we're glorified by thy declaration to be part and parcel of good adventuring.
For thy knowledge all Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Games are kept here: [+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board. To learn the 1-2-3 steps for Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go straight to the Dungeons & Dragons Start Guide where a sage has posted steps to follow.
Don't worry young master, there is also another Thread for thy consideration: . Yet, if ye still be havin' questions do ask here, thy Introduction Thread, and someone will address thee.
Hi Mjvb! Nice to have you here. Are you looking to be a Dungeon Master or player? Which version?
If you have any questions please do ask within your intro thread (What we are on now) and someone will help.
That is great Mjvb but you did not state which version of Dungeons & Dragons so we could assist in getting you to the relevant create character thread.
Thank you support! For what I missed
I am currently looking for my comfort level in Dungeons & Dragons, AD&D and I guess AD&D2.x.
I am just starting a job, and working on home projects now that the wife and I are empty nesters. So I am taking my time to find the right fit, a game needing a "Newish" player.
Also THANK YOU to all the posters above me on this thread, you are making me feel most welcome!
Hi Mjvb, not a problem we are here to help. To begin creating your Character for AD&D 1e or 2e you have two options:
Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters
Kntoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters