Town Training Grounds

Town Training Grounds - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 27th Nov, 2018 - 11:28am

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Text RPG ROK II Town Body Guild - Out of Character Discussion
Town Training Grounds Related Information to Town Training Grounds
Post Date: 14th Sep, 2016 - 8:02pm / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds

Town Training Grounds

This Thread is about Town Training Grounds, a place located in the Town within the Medieval Fantasy world of Ruler of Kings II. Discussion here is Out of Character where Players can feel free to converse about any happening or dealings they had at Town Training Grounds.

Note: Keep in mind that one Player's encounter at Town Training Grounds may be different from another Player's experience because of choices and in game dynamics.

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18th Sep, 2016 - 8:22am / Post ID: #

Grounds Training Town

Where can a character gain the "Sword specialization", since a level one prerequisite is required in the first place to start learning?

18th Sep, 2016 - 12:32pm / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Didn't you answer your own question? You character needs to be level 1 then you can specialize. You're probably mixing up level of the character with level of the skill. You need level of the character to be 1 first.

Post Date: 19th Sep, 2016 - 9:12am / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds
A Friend

Grounds Training Town

Many weapons you can train with no pre-requisite.

Skills that have a pre-requisite skill that you need would need a level 5 of that skills. Eg. To gain he skill two handed sword specialization you first need 5 ranks in the normal sword specialization.

Where a skill indicates the level requirement, that will be character level.

To sum it up
To gain ranks in TH swords you need
Character Level 3 and
Skill Level 5 in sword specialization.

Do not forget though.... Lots and lots of GP.

22nd Sep, 2016 - 1:31pm / Post ID: #

Grounds Training Town

This is probably one of the first places you will want to visit after buying the basics like your weapon and armor. Focus on combat skills. The other skills are cheaper but they aren't used immediately except for reflexes and run. Run is a must.

25th Nov, 2018 - 12:47pm / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds

The training grounds are a starting point that I have to indulge. The most interesting thing about it is the cost for training. On one hand some skills are very cheap like; jump, run, bash, etc. On the other hand others like the specializations can be very expensive.

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Post Date: 25th Nov, 2018 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds
A Friend

Town Training Grounds

Torac loves the body guild/training grounds.

The sweat, the effort, the camaraderie and the sense of acheviement that you get in having pushed yourself through the burn and onto the next level.

Sure, some of the more technical skills are pricier but this is to be expected.

27th Nov, 2018 - 11:28am / Post ID: #

Town Training Grounds Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

There are so many skills to choose from and limited gold to pay for training. Its hard to gauge what you will need and when but I think I will try a bit of everything.

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> TOPIC: Town Training Grounds


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