I am Brithagorus, the Mystic. I was given the title "mystic" due to my penchant for considering matters of cosmic interest (Occasionally, if I am being in all ways honest, at less than practical times - although hopefully never to the point of complete distraction). I find the constellations particularly fascinating, although it sometimes seems as though they could be more effectively arranged.
I am of a thin build, but I am not scrawny per say. More lithe than emaciated, perhaps. I am pale of skin with dark hair, and I attempt a beard. It will, in theory, become a noble feature one day, although it is to date of uneven thickness.
I seldom make eye contact with others, but it is not out of rudeness. My mind tends to fill unbidden with ideas (Related or not to the issue at hand). I laugh easily, although only sometimes at jokes that others around me are abreast of.
I imagine that the world of magic will give me the most latitude to study the universe as I need, although my interests are wide and varied (And sometimes almost random, again, if I am being completely honest). I feel that I cannot help but to learn from any and everyone, and as such I am always expressing an interest in those who pursue other fields.
I am friendly and helpful (And sometimes distracted, but I hope in a charming way).
Advisor Description
It was some days into my initial book-keeping job that I became aware that I was being observed.
I had been tasked with "recovering some earnings" from some poor person who had failed to make good with my employer. It wasn't a part of the job that I particularly enjoyed, although the money was good and I did learn a lot about keeping the books (And these books were immaculate, I don't mind telling you - some of the patterns to be found in accounting are of extraordinary beauty). My colleagues and I were leaving a somewhat injured client as a young woman (Granted a good 10 years older than I - well, perhaps 8 - sorry Wendy, if you have the cause to ever read this) stepped up to us and invited me to have a meal at Stefan's. Having no other commitments and being of a curious mind I agreed, to her earnest relief. I sent the others back to work with my employer's investment and proceeded to the tavern.
At the tavern, Wendy, for that was her name, professed (After a certain amount of unease) to be my stepsister. She recounted to me that my mother had spoken to her of me and that she should keep a watchful eye over me should the need arise. I was naturally taken aback by this, but after a certain amount of questioning her pertaining to private details of my family it became clear to me that she was being truthful.
Wendy expressed to me that the work she had found me engaged in did not seem the sort of work that my mother would have approved of, and I conceded the point. I agreed to leave the "book-keeping" position as soon as my contract was up, which I did.
My stepsister has invited me to seek her counsel as needed, and I am grateful. She seems a kind soul, and it is a relief to find that I yet have family.