Video: Ruler Of Kings II Trailers
Here are two trailers we made for Ruler of Kings II. One is longer with text and the other is shorter without text. Please tell us which of the two appeals to you more and what you think about the videos overall.
We also have a new YouTube Channel for ROK, see the subscribe link to the top left.
Long Version with Text: (Trailer 1)
I like the version number 2, YouTube video. It explains the whole concept of the text role-playing game nicely.
Both videos have their merit. The short one is the basics while the longer one goes a bit more into detail. I personally like the first one or the longer version. I can see some liking the short one and others the longer one. So maybe keep both so people can see both.
Anronrosby, Trailer 2 doesn't go into any explanation, that is Trailer 1 at the end unless you are saying that you like Trailer 2 more because it has no text and is shorter?
Kntoran, we have both on our Channel so viewers can see either one.
I like them both but I definitely agree that the first one gives a better explanation at the end that the second one doesn't. You can't really know what kind of game it is by the second one unless they visit the site which in another way ensures they do visit, so the first one might be taking away from that.