Dice For Medieval Events

Dice Medieval Events - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 28th Jul, 2008 - 2:38pm

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Medieval Dice Roll Script The World of Medieval has TWO main options for Dice Rolls. The actual Dice page is located HERE. You use Community Dice for routine stuff and Combat Dice only when in Combat. You must read carefully which the GM requests for you to roll, he will usually state this within the Scenario.
23rd Jul, 2008 - 8:11pm / Post ID: #

Dice For Medieval Events

The Game Master says...

Dice For Medieval Events

Now Players have a new way to both see and participate in the Rolls that take place. See the Updates Thread for details. I have started this Thread as a means for players to talk about the Roll script if they like.

NOTE: Do not 'play' (test) with the Dice Roll script. Once you make a roll I WILL count it as your 'play', multiple rolls for no reason will cause a penalty, so watch it bud devil.gif.

More Info: Source 3

World of Medieval Combat Dice Explained

Refer to key numbers in image below:

1. This is the player name and name of their character. It tells me how many attacks you get and what you are attacking with, for instance a long sword in this case doing 1-8 damage.

2. This tells me who moves first. It is compared with #4. So JB got a 2 and the GM got a 4 so that means the GM's characters will go first.

3. Attack D20 rolls shows your likelihood of hitting. It is showing the roll made 6 times so I do not have to keep asking a player to make rolls. Let's say JB has an AC of 14 and the GM has an AC of 16 then based on these rolls: JB got a 7 which is lower than the GM's 16 so JB missed. The GM under his D20 rolls got a 19 which is higher than JB's AC of 14 so he hits JB. Now lets say the GM's character is using a weapon that does 1-6 damage. The GM will then look at "Weapon 1-6 Rolls" and the first number is a 4 which means that JB's character took -4 damage.

4. This section is the rolls of the GM's character against you.

5. This is mentioned in #3 above.

Dice For Medieval Events
Dice For Medieval Events (Hover)

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23rd Jul, 2008 - 8:31pm / Post ID: #

Events Medieval Dice

Nice lay out If I read it right. Interesting how you incorporated the different weapons all at once with the modifiers.

23rd Jul, 2008 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Dice For Medieval Events RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

The modifier is a +/- on everything - speed, damage, penetration. It is not calculated into the rolls, I still have to add or minus (did not have time to add that in, yet).

I first compare reaction rolls to see who goes first.

I then take the first d20 for the person who goes first, if it is above the player's Armor rating then it is a hit. I look to see what weapon is being used and the damage it does and subtract that from the hit points of the participant.

Still a lot of work, but at least now the rolls are already made so that cuts the time in half and I can spend more time actually updating the story.

The other benefit of this is that all Players get to see the rolls they made rather than taking my word for it. Additionally, players must make their own rolls so you will have to encourage your Party to be active or they will hold up the game.

Post Date: 24th Jul, 2008 - 2:26pm / Post ID: #

Dice For Medieval Events
A Friend

Events Medieval Dice

I like rolling for myself. I wish I could roll my own dice but this is good too. I have been making some interesting rolls. When it asks about weapons what are you looking for? I used my long sword as first weapon and short bow as second.

24th Jul, 2008 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Events Medieval Dice

oops I was thinking that meant warrior could use two weapons at once. Say two axe of a axe and long sword. In this case I had no time for a bow then sword any how.

24th Jul, 2008 - 5:24pm / Post ID: #

Dice For Medieval Events

The Game Master says...

KNtoran, this way you are making your rolls. The other method involved me making the rolls for you and you taking my word for it. In fact, you are making rolls for me too.

The weapon tables is for Warriors that want to use two different weapons for whatever reason. Warriors are allowed two attacks so you can choose to do so with two different weapons or one in the case of a two-handed sword or bow which requires the use of both hands.

Additionally, this is why this is done as an EVENT, and not as a battle, because the rolls take into consideration a number of things that you may or may not do during battle, event or happening.

I should also mention that if rolls run out I just start back at #1 and continue through to #6.

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Post Date: 24th Jul, 2008 - 5:58pm / Post ID: #

Dice For Medieval Events
A Friend

Dice Medieval Events

Ok I understand it now. So I should have used my long sword as second weapon too.

28th Jul, 2008 - 2:38pm / Post ID: #

Dice Medieval Events World Medieval PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

Results Of First Trial

The dice rolls being sent to me really helped a lot with all those calculations, but there was one fault that I need to correct - that is that I need a lot more d20 rolls because often you have two opponents to deal with and there is only one roll shown. I will make a note of that to add it for the next battle.

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