World of Medieval Players In Waiting
You are in the Village. The Village is made up of mostly elderly people. You are among the very few that have chosen to be adventurous. The most likely places you can visit for any kind of interaction is the Market or the Tavern. In both these places you might meet passers by, locals and interesting strangers.
GM: Use this Thread ONLY if you are a current World of Medieval Player but cannot join the current Party.
Looking on at the newcomer into the Tavern, Scout can see the baby's milk still on her cheeks. He decides to help her break the ice, not that there was any to break, but she looked as though she was in need of both a seat and a drink.
"Ah, meh las, I be Scout, but some like to refer to me as 'Keen Bow' but I rather Scout."
He bows in a gentleman like manner. He then shows a table free with a drink of ale on it.
"Come sit, I have a little free time and ye look like ye have many questions about life and adventure... Am I wrong?"
"Well met, Keen Bow," says Egica. "I'd be happy to join you, and yes, I do have questions."
She joins him at the table and takes a timid sip of the ale.
"I have so many questions that I really don't know where to begin," she admits. "Maybe you could tell me about the places you've been? Or the adventures you've had? I'd be interested in anything you had to tell me, really."
Scout nods his head in an understanding way then looking her over says,
"I fully understand the complexities of thy mind meh lady, everything must be new, but I have to wonder why ye have no face, no icon nor any representation to thyself? Ye are as one lacking of the most basic elements to adventuring."
Looks over the cloaked maiden again,
"I see that ye have partially meh lady but please if ye will just refer to me in kind as Scout."
He then looks for emblems in her attire,
"Whom do ye represent? I see no symbol or alignment to justify thy existence?"