New Contributors: We had a small donation from Telly ($12) and a Premium Membership Donation from Swedjan ($45) - Thanks!.
Scammers: On another, less fortunate note, its amazing the lengths people go through to play a game by Donating to get access for their Character, fully using everything and then claiming their account was hacked by causing charge backs. Do not do this [crap], it ties up my account and affects my ability to conduct business for my children. Messing with my children brings on a whole kind of different anger you will not like to see.
I have not updated this for awhile. I will list some of the Donators to ROK II since my last Post:
Witchdoktor $100
Croaker $34
Ayman $22
It is the season of giving. Feel free to contribute to ROK II *wink* Premium accounts get you access to parts of the game you cannot see as a Regular Member.