For a very long time, I have thought myself as simply a man who happens to write. Within the past few years though, I have come to the realization that, in truth, I am a writer who happens to be a man.
The idea of a text based Role-playing Game has always intrigued me. What seems to be an age ago, I had played Silverdawn, which had been a very early incarnation of this type of gaming experience. This was around 1980 or so and long before the conveniences of the internet. The "Turns" were written out on paper and mailed back and forth between the game master and myself. I fondly recall how the story of my character grew and grew over the months though the pace of the game was maddeningly slow since all was conducted through "Snail mail".
My interest is, and will always be, the story. The visual aspect of video games has its appeal to most here, I am sure, but no image upon the monitor will ever compare to what I can "See" within my imagination as the story unfolds between the individuals who are creating the very world being explored with every word written.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
Welcome Adventurer! We bid thee greetings and we're glorified by thy declaration to be part and parcel of good adventuring.
For thy knowledge all Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Games are kept here: [+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board. To learn the 1-2-3 steps for Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go straight to the Dungeons & Dragons Start Guide where a sage has posted steps to follow.
Don't worry young master, there is also another Thread for thy consideration: . Yet, if ye still be havin' questions do ask here, thy Introduction Thread, and someone will address thee.