Well like I start 1 sentence to a story and then everyone either adds a few words or a sentence to contribute to it. It can turn out very interesting of quite hilarious. Also stuff like ABC word games with a theme like "Food" and the first person who starts with the letter A. The next poster is a B "Food" word. And it continues through the alphabet tozzzto start over again or start a new theme. Things like that.
Selexa, I should have expanded on my earlier post and thanks to Krusten for intervening. Krusten is right, if its just a funny word game then the Jokes board is the best place. If its a serious role-play where others can participate then it goes in one of the Role-playing Game boards according to the genre.
Thank you for all your feed back my new friends. Is there a place to discuss Massive Multi-player Online Role-playing Games or online games at all cause that's something I'm right into. That's how I found this place. Or anime or pen-palling or crafts or something else cause there seems be hard to find things I can respond to here sometimes. Mind you I having made it though the whole board yet. Is it possible to have child boards as everything relating to politics in one area, and health and hygiene in one or one for just hobbies. I feel like I have to scroll through pages and everything seems to be everywhere. I don't know if that is something to consider and maybe it's just me noticing this but I hope that might be a constructive idea that might help. I just feel swamped looking at the board. Mind you I'm having a dead head day so maybe it's just me. Tootles *smile*.
Hi Selexa, sorry I did not get back to you earlier. Yes that button shows you all available boards. If you are looking to review Role-playing Games in general then you go here: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews. There is a button with a list of all available Role-playing Games in that board called: RPG Systems.
The Text Role-playing Game & Text MMORPG board is actually for our in-house Role-playing Games like Ruler of Kings and others that the community had before which are now archived.
Anime and comic related discussion is here: Comic / Anime Play By Post Role-playing Games & Reviews.
Maybe if you can elaborate more on what you want to do I can help.
The kind of Role-playing Game games I wanted to review are ones you play online with a client or in a browser. I've tried hundreds of games over the past 20 years that are on a computer. I don't do consoles like XBOX but other might want to chose to.
What about all other hobbies? Like knitting, writing, cooking (Recopies from around the world), jig saw puzzels, sewing, stamp collecting, stickers, reading and favorite authors, book reviews, DIY projects and so forth.
I don't feel all the writing games are silly. They take thought and creativity to do a lot of them. Sometime they are funny but are meant to make you think or look stuff up to learn them. Like having everyone contribute a line to a story for it to make sense. And if the them is like "Plant's" for a ABC game it's hard remembering all kinds of trees and flower names for like G or J as an example. I see them as a way of learning something new as well as having fun.
I wasn't sure but I think I saw a place for poetry. Can we share poetry there as well that we have written?
I think that is all I have to ask at the moment. I think that is as specific as I can get. If you need more clarification please let me know. Thanks for all your help you've been giving me. It's much appreciated.