Is Polygamy Organized Crime?
WASHINGTON - Congress seemed to step back into the 1880s on Thursday, as polygamist women in pioneer dresses listened in a packed hearing room as the Senate's leader urged stepped-up law enforcement against criminal syndicates he says lead polygamous groups. Unlike the anti-polygamy crusades of the 1800s, the leader this time is a Mormon: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,700245733,00.html
I do not believe that all who practice polygamy are in organized crime. I think some bad apples has made it seem that this is all it is. This is a result of the news agencies portraying all polygamists as law breakers and at times outlaws. It is sad that a senator does not take the time to learn the truth behind those who are within the law. Just shows how shallow the people are who believe everything the news tells them.
They are all just religious fanatics and it happens to be polygamy. I don't look at them as criminals but yeah just as Knotran said there could be some bad apples doing bad things. That happens in one man one wife relationships though so I don't see the difference really.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
If a specific "clan" is conducting them selves this way then that :clan" if large enough would be a small group of organized petty criminals. But not comparable to the crime as committed by groups like the mafia. None the less but the basics they are organized criminals.
They will try to cover each others tracks and not go to the police when wrongs are done. Yes no different them many families but the difference is in numbers. I think it is the large members in a group that would place it in that category. I have no Idea where that line would lie one, ten, 20 people?
Mostly they are just law abiding but in the multiple marriage a law breaker thus a criminal.
I think the media in this case is pushing it to make the group look worse then what they are and need to find better news to report.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
This is the biggest horse manure I have seen in a while. I am not sure I understand what this country is so paranoid about regarding polygamy? They even asked me about it in an emigration and citizenship hearing as if that is this country's biggest problem. Coming back to organized crime, where do you people get your facts from?
Since I live this "lifestyle" I am somewhat informed about polygyny. When talking about all the main groups/communities, there is not one that has anything to do with organized crime. Oh we might not like some of these leaders, you might not like polygyny for that matter but we are talking organized crime here. Show me the facts please before starting to throw rocks.
And as far as monogamy is concerned. Yes it is far more ethical and on much higher moral grounds than polygyny. Yes it is also law abiding, Would not consider breaking the law. Over 50% divorce rates, throw the wife out after 7 years, might as well trade the old woman in for a much younger one. After 3 marriages, well seems like serial polygamy to me, but it is legal. Not wanting to go through a messy expensive divorce, well heck, have an extra marital affair. Plenty on the internet apparently. Perfectly legal. Now of course we might be talking prostitution which of course is largely controlled through organized crime but hey that is different from law braking polygamy where a man takes care of his wives and children. And yes most pay taxes and do not rip off the welfare departments.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 0%
I never really looked at polygamy as being criminal, but if polygamy falls under the definition of bigamy (which the Morrill Anti-bigamy Act does encompass polygamy) then yes the practice would, by legal definition, be considered criminal and groups practicing would be considered as breaking the law. That being said, I think that this country has other criminal matters which are far more dangerous than a group of people who practice polygamy. Another thought on the illegal practicing of polygamy. If congress legalizes different definitions of what a marriage is. How long will it take until polygamy is being addressed in the same manner?
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 0%
Name: Guest
Comments: Well, I guess, by definition it is a crime. But so is speeding! But this discussion has to do with organized crime. Of course you can argue what "organized" means. But to me the term "organized crime has always been linked to the mafia and stuff like that not some little community off the road practicing plural marriage.