Worship in Its Season
Mormon Doctrine / Teachings
"President Brigham Young once counseled us: . . ." 'Let all leave the cares of their work behind them; let the kitchens take care of themselves, and let the barns, the flocks and herds take care of themselves, and if they are destroyed while you are praying, be able to freely say, "Go, they are the Lord's; He gave them to me, and I will worship Him; I will assemble my family and call upon the name of my God."" 'By leaving business and the cares thereof where they belong, and attending strictly to worship in its season, if not at first, you soon will be united, and be able to bring every evil principle into subjection. If all are bound up in this manner, don't you see that it will make a mighty cord of faith?' (Journal of Discourses, 3:53.)"Let us teach our children to pray for courage, for opportunity, for comfort, for peace, for understanding, and not for material gifts. Let us teach them to pray, 'Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.' (Matt. 6:10.)"
L. Tom Perry, "Our Father Which Art in Heaven," Ensign, Nov. 1983, 13