I thought that it was extremely well done. It is in my top two or three favorite Star Wars movies. Great story about sacrifice. The character development wasn't the greatest but in the movie's defense it would have been difficult with the sheer number of settings and characters involved. The last hour or so of the movie was very entertaining. It was the most all in I can remember the Rebellion being in the saga. I look forward to this being out on DVD. The perfect way to get the full impact is to watch it and immediately afterwards watch the original Star Wars movie. Well done Disney.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Jan, 2017 - 8:30pm
I forgot to look, was Tarkin actually wearing boots this time around?
In his last appearance, they had to avoid filming his feet because the provided boots didn't fit right and the actor wore slippers on set instead. The man destroyed Alderaan in lounge footwear.
Edited: daishain on 2nd Jan, 2017 - 9:22pm
All kinds of fun stuff like that if you look behind the scenes.
For instance,
-Jabba the Hut was originally this grungy highlander Scottish type human who made a brief appearance in A New Hope. His scene there was deleted, then redone in CGI later on with the wormlike appearance established in episode 6.
-Luke was not originally going to be the hero of the original trilogy. That role was planned for his friend, Biggs Darklighter, whose role ended up being reduced to a brief reunion scene followed by his death in the deathstar fight.