Sapaul the Wanderer - Page 2 of 2

Sapaul was a brave soul, charging into danger - Page 2 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 25th Jan, 2017 - 4:17pm

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23rd Jan, 2017 - 12:35pm / Post ID: #

Sapaul the Wanderer - Page 2

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I woke up this morning in Llafair, and tried to take a patrol. I was supposed to complete my assignment from the town hall there. The chancellor had given me a signal to determine who the spy was, and after giving it, someone responded, but when I accused the spy, he turned and attacked me. The other patrol guards did not even attempt to help me. I fought as valiantly as I could, but alas the knight proved too powerful for me to overcome easily. I blacked out, and when I next awoke, I was here in town. I had a strange dream about death giving me another chance. I suppose it is all for the best though, perhaps I wasn't ready for such a difficult task. Now I'll know better next time.

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25th Jan, 2017 - 4:17pm / Post ID: #

Wanderer Sapaul

Sapaul was a brave soul, charging into danger that was far too much for him. He liked a challenge and found one often, but he finally met a challenge he could not overcome. While on patrol in Llafair, he met a grizzly bear and was brought low by this beast. He fought valiantly and saved the rest of the patrol from being attacked, as the bear focused on him, but it was not enough. The bear won and now Sapual is no more.

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