Svenskar the Wanderer

Svenskar Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 10th Dec, 2016 - 7:04am

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Post Date: 9th Dec, 2016 - 9:32pm / Post ID: #

Svenskar the Wanderer
A Friend

Svenskar the Wanderer

Svenskar has always seemed rather average to both Svenskar and others. Svenskar's height is a moderate five feet eleven inches. In build Svenskar tends to heaviness but deep inside is a strong muscular body and an even stronger mind. Svenskar used to have brown hair but advanced age has brought on baldness and graying that give Svenskar an appearance of being mature without actually seeming "old." The main thing that people notice about Svenskar is the beard. It is magnificent, bushy and unruly.
Svenskar is interested in learning as much as possible from those with whom Svenskar interacts. Svenskar's interests are many and varied, from blacksmithing to farming to statecraft. Svenskar desires to understand how others think and feel and live so that Svenskar can make the world a better place. The main drawback of Svenskar's appetite for learning is that Svenskar has a hard time settling down in one place. Svenskar the Wanderer is an apt name for this peripatetic soul.

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Post Date: 9th Dec, 2016 - 10:16pm / Post ID: #

Svenskar the Wanderer
A Friend

Wanderer Svenskar

Advisor Description

When Genalain first approached me I was just walking down the street and I was wondering why a small child was alone in the middle of the street. As it turns out I was confused. It wasn't a child at all but rather it was Genalain. Genalain is short. Extremely petite. Like so short that grown men can step over her without really having to jump. But she has a voice like a mule driver. So when she shouted at me, "Oi, Svenskar!" I quickly realized that this was no small child but a grown woman of diminutive stature.
As it turned out Genalain had been sent to watch over me and had been following me for days. I was so oblivious as I was going about my business that she became concerned that my lack of awareness might become a liability. So, she decided to make herself known to me she did so in a manner that caught me by surprise and taught me a valuable lesson, to never judge a book by its cover.
The really odd thing about Genalain and her role as my advisor is that her background is as a serving wench. Who sets a wench to advise someone?
Anyway, as I have gotten to know her better, I see that Genalain's talents were wasted as a wench. She is very bright, has a masterful mind for languages and a cutting wit that disarms adversaries while making them feel comfortable. And as it turns out because Genalain spent some time as a servant, she is very good at practical things like making fires and cooking and getting things. Her real world experience seems like it is something that I can learn from.
As to why Genalain agreed to advise me, I think she is motivated by her deep love that she had for my mother. She seems genuinely to want me to succeed and her loyalty to me is obviously rooted in her lifelong loyalty to my mother. I find myself learning more and more how much of my life is dependent on others.

Post Date: 10th Dec, 2016 - 7:04am / Post ID: #

Svenskar the Wanderer
A Friend

Svenskar the Wanderer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

I was going to write a haiku
about the Lady Fluke.
But the characters required
were more than I desired,
So now I shall have to puke.

Her skin is so pale,
with hair such a yellow hue,

I'll say this for her,
the lady can rock purple,
it clashes her lips.

> TOPIC: Svenskar the Wanderer


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