Donald Trump to pick ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his secretary of State, multiple reports say
The president-elect will name Tillerson as his nominee for secretary of State, according to reports from the New York Times and NBC. Democrats and some Republicans have raised concerns about the oil industry executive's connections to Russia amid reports that Vladimir Putin's government may have intervened in the U.S. Presidential election in an effort to steer the result in Trump's favor. Ref. USAToday.
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Rex Tillerson (Hover)
I think Rex Tillerson will work out as SECSTATE. I listened to his answers. I thought when he said that his job at Exxon was to advance Exxon's interest and if confirmed his job as SECSTATE would be to advance US interests and those interested are not the same he had me. More, he said he's going through this process because he is a patriot… at least according to him. I like that too. Now let's see if he keeps his word.
I love all these unnamed sources even when the man himself contradicts what the unnamed source said the new thinks it has to report it. And this is why the news is so mistrusted any more. Maybe they start by saying even though Rex Tillerson himself denies the allegation there are unnamed sources who want to try and feel cool and in the know who say he is contemplating resigning.
Just another time that the fake news is trying to make the Trump administration look like it is crumbling from the inside. They want to appease their followers soo much they are inventing their own stories to make the president look bad. Does not matter the truth as that does not make the ratings go up.
Yes, and push their own agenda. I wish the news didn't have an agenda, whether on the left or on the right. I wish the news just reported the news and we actually got to decide for ourselves instead of slanting in a such a way to influence us because they think we are too stupid to come to our own conclusion. Or maybe they think we are too stupid to see that they are slating things… and they may be right in a lot of cases.