ROK II Art / Graphics
On the Ruler of Kings II Text Role-playing Game main site is our new art that we commissioned to have done based on what happens in the game. It is not random art, there is an interpretation of it below… what do you all think?
A. Familiar Dragon that can be chosen as one of other Familiars in the game
B. Gothic King showing crown and kingly status that each Player hopes to attain.
C. Pointed sword leading armies forward giving you all the control
D. Your many Armies following your lead.
E. War Horse that takes you where you want to go and aides in your battles.
ROK II Art / Graphics (Hover)
More Official ROK II Art
We've added the female version of our Official Art. In fact, there are two versions that we refer to as the "Blonde" and the "Brunette" just because the big difference is mainly the hair color among other things.
Really, it is more than that, the blonde is already a queen and graced with bronze armor and a crown identifying her glory. She has a red dragon perched on her shoulder unlike the green one for the king.
The brunette has a more menacing demeanor with darker personage and unforgiving look. She is yet to be a queen but nevertheless leading her armies forward.
The blonde can be seen in the general Discussion Thread for ROK II and the other as a banner image for the entire Text Role-playing Game Board.