KarlErik the Baron

Karlerik Baron - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 16th Dec, 2016 - 4:44am

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Post Date: 15th Dec, 2016 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

KarlErik the Baron
A Friend

KarlErik the Baron

Karl Erik, stands 5'8" tall with a wiry body. Karl Erik has dusty blonde hair with steel blue eyes, his skin is darkened from his time in the training sally, but his general appearance is well kept.
Karl Erik seeks to spread his name and claim status as a man of the world.

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Post Date: 16th Dec, 2016 - 4:44am / Post ID: #

KarlErik the Baron
A Friend

Baron KarlErik

Advisor Description

Captain Gabriel appears a rough and tumble man of average build and height who once served with Karl Erik's father. He reunited with Karl Erik while visiting the Tavern and remembering fondly his comrade in arms, took it upon himself to teach the boy what Karl Erik's father taught him.
After a long series of awkward starts and stops, Gabriel was able to finally explain his purpose for approaching Karl Erik with his offer to advise and mentor him. The ways of a commander are not easily learned outside of the walls of a keep, but Gabriel had offered and Karl Erik accepted. Karl Erik knew what a great gift it could be to have the guidance of a man of experience, one capable of guiding his path and preventing him from falling victim to the barbs and snares life was capable of laying in one's path.
The rest of the morning was spend explaining that the field of honor was only one place one may have to fight, and that an enemy doesn't always come armed with a sword or spear. Perception and clarity of thought are the most dangerous tools any commander may wield, and it was this that Gabriel counciled.
As the sun rose higher and higher and the streets became more croweded, bearing and poise became the topic at had. How one must show respect in order to receive it in return. How one must honor and show loyalty to those you desire honor and loyalty from.
As the morning closed and afternoon droned on drinking and stories of days past became the focus at hand. Gabriel telling tales of the march, Karl Erik of the homestead. Karl Erik and Gabriel took to the streets appraising the people and commenting on the recent lessions, who appeared to know how them and who fell victim to ignorance. It opened Karl Erik's eyes to see the basic lessons applied to the people around him and find that the reasoning held.
After his initial suspicions were laid to rest, Karl Erik felt as if Gabriel was an uncle sent by his father to teach him what he was unable to. The ale probably had something to do with it.
With much time and promises of loyalty and brotherhood, the Karl Erik bid Gabriel farewell and sought his bed, with dread of the morning and it's inevitible punishment for the carousing he took part in with his new mentor.

> TOPIC: KarlErik the Baron


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