Onwen returns with Targal and joins Lia at the stone wall, he will study the arcane symbols to see if he can make any sense of it.
If Nyzahr gets back in time to witness Targul's arrival and the door's discovery, she will tag along the young necromancer and the burly half-orc, hoping to have a go at discovering yet another arcane trick.
If not, she'll simply keep the rest of the group company, eyeing the halfing newcomers with curiosity.
Cahleth informs Tallis and company of what he is aware of this far. "We seem to have some giant spiders lurking about. If we are bringing villagers down here we should clear out that threat. Other than that, just some harmless vermin and a weird fungus we should keep folks away from to be safe."
Poljen nods when introduced to the Halfling rangers. "We can worry about spiders soon enough. We also need to find out where these tunnels come out. Will we still be within the curtain wall, or outside? Since this does not appear to have been used in a long time, I am guessing the exit will be well hidden. We should do our best to keep it that way so our enemy does not find it."
When the mages begin examining the runes on the wall, he will say, "If no one can figure it out, but we need to set it off, I will volunteer."
Out of Character: : Did Poljen use one of his Rages during the battle at the secondary barricade? If so, he has one left before a long rest. If not, he has two.
Lia stares at Poljen. " We will understand this in time. This could kill you. You aren't a human guinea pig. I know you are very brave. You can't continue to rush headlong into any danger. You will be killed sooner or later. Sooner with the risks you take. " Lia frowns.
Poljen frowns. "If Sune will protect you, ask her to protect me. I can take more abuse than you, and I am just a strong sword-arm. Targul is as well. You, on the other hand, are our only cleric. Spreading out danger does make sense, but not strictly by individual. Ha! I got that one right. No, it should be spread out to those who can take it and whose abilities can be dupe… duplikitted? You know what I mean."