Lia shakes her head. He can't be allowed to get away and warn anyone else. She advances towards the half-elven female and fires off another shot at his retreating back.
Specific Action: She will take her full move and try to get as close as possible to the half-elf before firing. She will then target the retreating man.
The man makes it only a few more steps before Lia's arrow cuts him down.
A quick check of the woman shows that she is alive, though unconscious and bleeding from a split scalp on the back of the head. It looks like she was struck there with a blunt instrument.
After checking the condition of the woman Lia frowns. They don't have the time or strength to carry her. She reaches down and touches her head. Holding her amulet under her cloak to hide any light she calls upon Sune to heal this stranger. When she regains consciousness " Shh. You must remain quiet. I am Lia, a servant of Sune. Come with us. I have friends up ahead. We are rescuing some other prisoners. Please just stay out of harms way and we will get you inside the fort unharmed. " She will then lead the stranger towards her friends. Lia will move very cautiously trying to rejoin them without alerting anyone else.
Specific Action: Cure wounds level 1 on unconscious half-elf. She will get an additional 6 hit points per bonus. Lia will then lead her to find the others.
As cratol gets close to the place they are going he slows down and double checks things as he indicated that they are very close to the warehouse. He will point to the area they should set up for what he believes will be a good attack. (The main door that is guarded). HE moves to the side so the better fighters can prepare as they normally do.
To the tinker: "That is good news indeed. Thank you. Be ready when the time comes, and we'll all get out of here."
Velon casts Message again to the yellow haired man in the corner. "Friend, do not be alarmed. I'm the man with the red beard they brought in recently. If we focus on one another we can share our thoughts. We must be ready when the opportunity arises to get everyone out of here. Are there any weapons or tools hidden nearby?"
Rolling Persuasion once again so as to keep the man calm and influence him to be helpful.
"Red beard? You've been here longer than I, hours at least, you've just been out cold."
"I don't think they missed anything in here that could be used against them. But there are some loose wall boards near where I am sitting. Been meaning to fix them, but with some effort we could get people out that way if the guards weren't ready to interfere. I don't suppose you have any ideas?"
The rescued woman is a little groggy and quite confused, but her steps grow steadier as the three rejoin the rest of the group at around the time everyone reaches the warehouses.
As described before, there's a large number of men and drakes out here. They've built up several fires to keep watch on the buildings and wagons. Most of them are sitting around at the moment, talking and laughing, though all have weapons close to hand.
"I suggest we start by letting me put a number of them to sleep. Then, Poljen and Targul forward while we let fly our bolts. I will join the fray quickly to protect the flanks. Is this agreeable?" I say in a hushed tone.
Out of Character: Are we close enough for sleep?