Lia notices him blush and smiles. "Thanks for listening to my ideas. I'm just throwing ideas out there. I have been more risk willing since I was reunited with Fay. I haven't really thought about that before. I feel that things are looking up after finding my son. In addition we keep winning battle after battle. It seems that we can't lose right now. " She laughs. " We just killed a huge dragon. Everything is easy after that. "
Lia grins. "You're assessments sound wise Poljen. As I said before I'm no military expert. I respect your opinion. As to your duel idea… that might work actually. We do have that mage we captured. They might risk much to regain him. " Lia looks up at him with frown visible. " You shouldn't be the one to fight in the duel. Let one of paladins fight him. You violated the truce during the duel. I doubt Cyanwrath would trust you to duel with anyways after that. All we can do is wait for the dawn now and see how things look. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd May, 2017 - 2:07am
After a few minutes in to researching the Earthbind spell found in the mages spell book Onwen actually changes his mind about prioritizing this spell. His initial impressions suggested to him that the spell could be useful in bringing down flying creatures but as he studies the spell further he notes that the spell is largely ineffective against creatures that have any amount of strength… there would be no taking down of dragons with this spell. That being the case he refocuses his research and attention to learning Fog Cloud instead.
Out of Character: : I was looking into Earthbind a little closer and determined that it doesn't really seem worth it. The spell is largely circumstantial in its use, it affords a strength saving throw, does no damage, and is pretty limited on what creatures it effects (Only flying creatures). Pretty weak in the end I think. Fog Cloud is a bit more versatile and effective in my opinion so I hope its ok that I changed it.
Poljen shrugs once more. "Honestly, I see no reason for him to duel in any case. They have already lost many prisoners to us, and I doubt he wishes to risk losing more, even for the chance to slay one of the more problematic of us." He curses softly and says, "Even if we had struck last night at their camp and killed one of the lizards, as I had suggested, at best we would have killed, what? Two dozen? Maybe three if the lizards had cooperated. Then we would have run hellbent for leather back to town, and in the morning they'd have still attacked, and the gate and walls would have been breached. We probably would have delayed them a bit longer, and therefore saved another score or two from being taken. But they'd still have captives, and looted the town. Their numbers make it inevitable." He looks up and grins at Lia. "We shall just have to do our best, as we have all along. I shall continue to charge into the enemy, forcing them to focus on me, knowing the fair Lia will save me from death should I fall. At least, if she's feeling kindly toward the thick barbarian, eh?" He glances about obviously and says, "Next time, if you so desire, you may give me a kiss for luck. I am feeling generous! Ha!"
The night passes, mostly quietly. There is a brief false alarm a little before midnight, but it turns out to be the search parties gathering back to the north with the last of the prisoners and loot from the western portion of town.
Both sides settle in to rest after the very long day. Sentries warily watching each other across the town.
Whether sunrise is an eternity later or all too soon depends on who you ask, but it does come. Sunlight begins to brighten the battle ravaged town, and word comes down that the enemy army is stirring.
The group at the base of the ramp seem to be staying put at the moment.
The rest appear to be gathering up to move out. Wagons are lined up, with beasts of burden in the yokes. Reluctant prisoners are being poked into long lines. They appear to be readying to leave by the eastern gate fairly soon.
Poljen soon spots an oddity. There's a group of prisoners being escorted towards the base of the Ramp. Cyanwrath is with them.
Lia hears Poljen and a thoughtful expression is on her face. She walks over to Mari and nudges her awake. " Come with me, you should see this. " Mari groans but readies herself quickly and follows Lia upstairs. Lia walks over to the barbarian and looks out. " Poljen, so it looks like they are wishing for a prisoner exchange. At least I hope that it is what they are planning. Oh Poljen, this is Mari Chandler. She insisted upon following me after I rescued her from those brutes with our silent bard. Mari, this is Poljen. He is our resident barbarian philosopher. " Lia laughs and turns back to Poljen. " Don't even think about it Poljen "
Out of Character: : When Poljen turns to Mari he will see a slim half elf that appears to be in her late teens. She stands 5'5", has blond hair and green eyes. Mari is dressed in black leather armor, has a short bow and quiver slung on her back and a short sword at her side.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd May, 2017 - 5:32am