Poljen replies to Velon, "He wields some magic. He sent Cratol flying with a strike that sounded like thunder. And his weapon was wreathed in fire. And I did not fight with him some, but my main goal was to kill a storm lizard they had with them. He fought with Cratol, and me. But since I was not attacking him the entire time, I think a duel between us would be different. But let us hear what he has to say."
" I am pleased to meet you as well Velon. As Poljen said he almost killed our companion with but one hit. He has an ability to sense invisible creatures nearby. I would also assume that he has a breath weapon since the lesser dragonborns we have faced did so. With him being a blue half dragon I would expect lightning. "
The group at the base of the fort's ramp part their largest barricade and let Cyanwrath and those with him through. He approaches the main gate confidently, stopping about halfway up the ramp to hail those on the walls.
"Defenders of Greenest! You have done well, well enough to earn both my respect and a reprieve. My men will be departing shortly with those we have taken, and we both know there is nothing you can do about that. You can act to save a few more lives however. Those you see behind me are useless to us. I care not for purposeless killing, and so you can have them back. On two conditions."
"The first is quite simple. Return any of my men that yet live."
"The second is no less simple. Yesterday I was twice robbed of a proper test of arms. I want a champion of yours to fight me."
"Send out my men, and a man of yours willing to fight, and win or lose, these people will go free. Decide swiftly."
Poljen once again stands tall on the walls of the fort, right behind the head of the slain dragon. "I will ask the few survivors if they wish to go with you. If they wish, they may go with you. And for your duel, if you wish it to be a true test of arms, let us meet without weapons that are enchanted!" As he waits for the blue half-dragon to reply he says to Lia, "Send word to the few prisoners we have. They may leave if they like, stripped to their undergarments. Fay, you and your mother have just found one another. Do not risk that. Also, you are clever. If you are to join the Blaze, we will need someone clever like you. Now, any magic you can cast on me for this fight would be appreciated. You too, Lia!"
Out of Character: : Poljen is willing to revert to his silvered blade rather than the +1 he just acquired, if Cyanwrath will forego his burning weapon.
"I too will volunteer, but will yield if we feel another is a better match."
Out of combat: velons strengths here would be an AC of 20, buffed by either Bless or Shield of Faith, and strong sword strikes buffed by some 2nd level Smites. His HP could be higher, though. :/.