Lia still studies the ground as she strives to find something. Out of her peripheral vision she sees Fay kicking a stone. He was just talking to Poljen earlier. She wonders what it is all about. Fay approaches after another moment asking to speak to her. " Of course Ionneg. Let us resolve what happened to our enemies first and I will be glad to speak to you. We must exercise great caution. The last time we encountered a trail and all signs of passage wiped away we were ambushed. Stay focused and alert Ionneg. "
Mari is a jumble of emotions. The last few days have been harrowing and now the sudden attention from Fay and Cratol. Noticing Fay approaching she looks at him curiously until he departs. She twirls her blond locks briefly then draws her short sword. Mari feels on edge.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th May, 2017 - 6:32pm
Fay finds nothing in the way of tracks, not even the really old ones he would expect from repeated travel on this road. On the other hand, he also doesn't see either tracks leaving the road or the unnatural smoothing off of said road, they're most likely still on this path.
Onwen detects very very faint traces of transmutation magic in the area. Some manner of cantrip level spell, used dozens of times over in this area. The aura probably is only still detectable due to how often it was cast.
Tallis tells you that Bubbles can indeed track by scent, when asked to track for kobolds, he confidently moves forward.
Out of Character: in response to Lia's question, it is just Tallis and Bubbles, the other two outriders are running perimeter sweeps around Greenest, and the rest of the militia are busy securing the town, in case the raiders come back.
Velon sense the tension in the party and sees Lia draw her sword. He draws his own, looking around them for danger. His eyes focus on Onwen as he searches for the magical explanation behind this.
"This has happened before?" he says aloud to the group.
Fay looks distractedly at Lia, "Thank thee Amillë. Then it hits him, he grabs her and says come with me." He takes her to Poljen and addresses them both, "Look" he points at the road, "There are no tracks, none at all. How is this possible on such a well traveled road. They hide their tracks from us. In doing so, they hide all tracks from us. They did not leave the road, they continued on the road. I'd bet me last gold on it."
Out of Character: Woo hoo, a lucky [Critical Hit] on his nature roll.
Edited: Abnninja on 8th May, 2017 - 6:59pm
" Velon, when we were on the way to Greenest we encountered something similar. The dirt in the road looked… different. Turns out that bandit camps were attacking any travelers on the road to cut off Greenest from assistance. The dirt looked different because they killed all the men and buried them under the road. They then tried to hide it all and the road was swept clean. Fortunately we figured it out in time to not be caught unaware before they attacked us. ".
Just as she finishes Fay takes her along to show what he came up with. " Ionneg, that is very perceptive. What you say sounds very likely. "
Out of Character: : Ninja, you are rolling insanely well. You don't need that lucky feat *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th May, 2017 - 8:09pm
"Some form of low level transmutation magic cast repeatedly… " Onwen announces "Perhaps prestidigitation, but that would be fairly time consuming unless they have several mages working on it at once. It's an easy enough spell to cast though."
To prove his point and test his theory Onwen raises his right hand and makes a sweeping motion targeting an area the party just passed over to see if he can "Clean" the roadway and effectively erase any evidence that they recently passed through.
The spell leaves the soil looking rather fresh, but does not significantly shift it.
It occurs to Onwen that he has seen an Earth shifting cantrip recently. On the way to Greenest, some of Sir Onthar's men had used it to ring the campsites with a low dirt wall. A single casting could shift large amounts of loose soil a short distance.