The half-drow narrows her eyes at the guard, then yells out to Lia in elvish, "What do you think, take him out so he's no longer a potential risk, or take him as prisoner back to Onthar? I am of the mindset that the paladin need not know everything that happens here… " Lia can easily tell Sar'ai's leaning more toward the former option.
Lia stops talking to one troubled woman when she hears Sar'ai calling out in Elvish. Lia responds in Elvish. " I know how you feel on this Sar'ai. We must take him to Onthar though. He surrendered into our care. We can't kill him now. We can let Onthar deal with him. Maybe he will let these women administer justice." She smiles wryly.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Jan, 2017 - 3:31pm
"Everybody is talking about dressing as the enemy. Maybe we can dress as these scouts and at least get an eye on what we have against us before destroying them." Targul says the last with an eager grin on his lips.
Sar'ai frowns a bit at Lia's response, "So be it." Then turns back to the guard, "Well, it would appear whatever god you worship has shown favor on you this day," Sar'ai pauses momentarily and gives a slight smile and a wink, "For now. At any rate, let's get you tied up. Wouldn't want me to test that favor any further by having to kill you for doing something stupid, now do we?"
The half-drow pulls out her rope and ties the guards hands behind his back then loops it up and around his neck and uses the rest of the length like a leash. Then, with a few arcane words the glyph and hum disappear.
Lia and Sar'ai, the camp is yours. Do you wish to keep investigating it or return the newly freed and newly captured people to the caravan? There is also what appears to be a mass grave further to the north that Elanna spotted before, it could use inspection as well.
Sir Onthar rounds up everyone who is going and they begin to make their way towards the southern camp. He asks that a few scouts lead the way, to ensure there are no problems.
Onwen chose to remain behind, he and a few others remain, watching for trouble and overseeing the prisoners.
Once Cratol informs Sar'ai and Lia of the rest of the group's plan, the half-drow looks to Lia, "Well, I suppose we need to figure out what to do with the women and this one." She tugs a bit on the rope, making it tight around the guards throat for a moment then relaxes it.
"Honestly, if they are already on their way, we may come upon a battle already over seeing as the southern camp is about a mile from here. Though at the same time, your powers of healing, Lia, are an asset that was pivotal in the previous skirmish. Perhaps I should stay here and see if there is anything more to be learned and then take everyone down to the wagons? After all, I am more useful in infiltration and elimination, not full on assaults… " She looks to Cratol, "What is your plan? Were you going to join in the fray?"