Round Four (Partial)
Poljen snaps off a few shots before getting under cover, but both arrows miss. Fay sings a harsh song. The Stalker cringes and retreats from view.
[Fay still has his movement, and then Cratol is up. Calling for the retreat? Still waiting on the damage from DW, but it won't make a practical difference right now.]
Edited: daishain on 2nd Jun, 2017 - 10:10pm
Fay looks at the group, "I have wounded its mind. It will not last. We shoulds't retreat and regroup." Fay says. He moves towards Lia to help free her.
Out of Character: Is there anything Fay can do to help Lia? He still has his bonus action. He can't cast another spell but maybe he can do something else?
Lia continues struggling with the webbing. She keeps hacking at it as best she can with her short sword. Seeing that Poljen is still hurting she calls out to Sune to send healing magics his way.
Out of Character: : So are we retreating to try this again later or pressing on? There are pros and cons either way.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Jun, 2017 - 10:33pm
Out of Character: I can cast this once more at 2nd level and four times at first level. If we fight Fay can help… but if it makes its saving throw the damage is greatly reduced.
Fay looks at Poljen and Lia, "I have more of this magic left. If we run we shoulds't do it now. If not, we stand and fight and I will attack this creature's mind whils't you and the others attack it's body. But we must all attack. Leave the eggs, attack the beast."
Fay waits to see what the creature is going to do. He moves towards Lia while waiting.
Out of Character: while the beastie is hiding may be a good time to climb up and be ready for it. Fay will hold his action until the beast appears and then unleash his magic. If the beast doesn't show itself Fay will cut Lia out. Does he need to roll for the? I don't remember. Lia may want to cast her strongest (Touch) healing spell on Poljen. Timing is important this round.
Round Four (Still not complete)
Cratol continues smashing eggs, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the Stalker considers dealing with his companions a higher priority at the moment. It can certainly see and hear him, but isn't reacting as he'd hoped.
Lia manages to slash off the last of the webbing, even as her word of divine magic brings further comfort to Poljen.
The Stalker reappears at the edge, only to be greeted by an arrow from Mari, and another lightning bolt from Onwen. Both of them scuttle back underneath the ledge, but the wizard is shaking his head, "That is it, I can manage no more of those."
The Stalker for its part flings another glob of webbing at Fay. The bard is prepared this time however, and manages to neatly sidestep the mass.
[Velon's up next. Poljen is healed for another 7 HP, I believe that brings him up to 31. Note: for being healed up from near death, Poljen is at L1 exhaustion, which imposes disadvantage on ability checks. That includes the athletics check needed to scale the wall.]
Edited: daishain on 3rd Jun, 2017 - 4:42am