Poljen sees the beast reappear on the ledge and fires his bow twice more. Then he takes a deep breath, and allows his mind to sink once more into seeing red as the madness takes him. He remains in cover for the moment, waiting for the creature to once more attack (I.e. Next round).
Fay sees the beast and nimbly sidesteps webbing. "Not this time beastie" he thinks. He sings another song of dissonance aimed at the beast. Then, he sings of inspiration to Poljen.
Out of Character: Fay casts his spell at 2nd level and provides an inspiration d8 to Poljen as a free action.
Out of Character: : This is assuming the latter part of round 4 was actually round 5 (The creature coming back, Poljen and Velon taking shots at it, etc.). I guess some folks will need to do their round 5 actions, but I am doing round 6. Movement and Dash to climb (Straight Athletics, no Advantage), then two Reckless Attacks on the monster. Once I see the roll, I will decide if/where to burn the Inspiration die from Fay.
In Character: :
Poljen took a deep breath, let out a cry, "Hya!" and dashed out of cover straight for the wall, and scrambled up as quickly as possible, and tried to lay into the monstrosity.
LIa, knowing that Poljen is determined to attack again looks at Mari. " Mari, go get Geoffroy quickly. Tell him we need him here. We need his fire magic. "
Moving over to Poljen she holds her amulet in her now free hand after dropping the sword. Her left hand holding the bow presses against his arm. She whispers words of power and healing energies begin knitting up his wounds.
Specific Action: Cast Cure wounds level 2 after moving to Poljen. If she has any move left she will move towards the ledge.
Out of Character: : I can't use a level 3 spell slot to use sending, Thomas. I'm saving all I have to try to keep Poljen alive against this creature.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Jun, 2017 - 5:40pm
Cratol is still breaking apart eggs. He will continue to try to taunt the monster to get it off the ledge and down on the floor to allow melee attacks.
"Oh I am getting hungry for breakfast. Anyone want some scrambled dragon born!"