Jad looks to Velon, "Ah yes, the one touched by Glorfindel's passing, I will answer what I can, but my master could tell you much more."
Out of Character: I think it is safe to assume Poppo will verify his words. Lets keep this moving.
Edited: daishain on 10th Jul, 2017 - 12:53pm
Fay looks at the group, clearly astonished at the turn of events. "A vote I have not, but an opinion I do, as always" he turns and smiles towards Velon and Poljen when he says that. "I be intrigued by all this. A chance to strike another blow to the five headed monster's plans be quite a boon as well. I say allow Poppo to join for now. I'll keep me eye on him. I'll keep both on him. And we should indeed take up this invitation. And sooner be better."
Fay then recounts what happened on Lia's and his trip back regarding the halfling village. "Methinks this has something to do with what we have become a part of. Time is wasting, time for this evil to spread and kill more innocents. This I will not let happen if I can help stop it." He looks at the others each in turn, then stops at Geoffroy, "What say you?"
Out of character: Are you guys able to summarize in one paragraph or less what happened in your side story after you left Fay's grandparents? I stopped reading over the holiday and it seems there's quite a bit there. Just whatever the rest of the group should know, that which is relevant to the world at large and the Tiamat plot, etc. (Thanks)
Velon speaks to the kobold, "How… how do you know? Please, tell me more of your master. Will you stay for a drink? I would appreciate it."
"Damn it Jack! You should have known." Oswald angrily whispers to himself as he hurries down the cobblestone streets. "You should have known your man had soured, that he had turned on you."
His pace is fast enough to draw attention, but he doesn't have the time to care. "He had the guards there, the Guards!" He loudly repeats.
"And then you go and run off in a different direction… I don't even know if you are okay." He pushes passed several people as the streets begin to fill up with people taking their midday break.
"Now I have to go… and go now! I can't wait, there is no time to find you. Those were the city guard!" He shakes his head in frustration. "I need a way to fix this. To clear my name, but I can't do that today."
"If I join the quest, explain what happened, and somehow make amends; with the pull of the group I can probably clear this up. For me at least."
He hears the sound of guards running in his direction. He hurries faster until he sees a horse tied up outside a shop. He lowers his head in shame for a moment and repeats to himself; "I will make amends." Right before he unties and mounts the horse.
As he is rides out of Baldur's Gate he states to himself once more. "I will clear this up… somehow."
Edited: Robertreaper on 10th Jul, 2017 - 2:57pm
Cratol makes his way North and West, following the trade routes through the Western Hearlands. Passage is swift and simple enough, he has few difficulties along the way.
Whether or not he manages to reunite with Jack, Oswald makes his way south, along the Storm Coast. He skirts inland to avoid the Mere of Dead Men, as all sane travelers do. Along the way he discovers that a new road is being made. The fell swamp has apparently expanded, swallowing the old one.
Jad shrugs and says to Velon, "News of the death of a great one spreads. News that an untested human has had the gift of blood forcibly enkindled spreads as well. What was done to you is not considered a crime, but is frowned upon as dangerous in multiple respects." "From there, your encounter with the Cult brought your case to the council's particular attention, and from them to the attention of my master. I can stay and talk more if you wish, what would you know?"
The kobold will have a seat and order a glass of wine as he talks.
Out of Character: Unless someone brings up a topic that needs further addressing, I will post about the main group making their way to Waterdeep this evening.
Out of character: Happy to take Velon's conversation to the Side Story forum if that is best.
Velon's demeanor has changed rapidly in these past few moments, Jad's comments being quite surprising and sobering.
"Thank you, Jad. Would you tell me more of Glorfindel? Our time and our conversation were brief. Is Glorfindel truly gone? What of his (Her?) soul? My knowledge is very limited. I've been looking for books on these subjects, but have not met anyone such as yourself in the brief time since it happened." He slides his plate of bacon and bread over to Jad.
Depending on Jad's response, Velon would add "Please also tell me of the council, and more about your master."
Poppo claps his hands after being confirmed as truthful. "Hooray! Now let us go fight evil! Goliath and I ready to stand as bulwarks against the darkness!"
As if in tune, the frog in his pocket lets out a long croaking to accentuate the point. Poppo grabs his gear and starts to head for the door when he realizes everyone is not following. "Oh, I thought we were leaving right away… That's okay. Just remember my awesome exit line when its time to go. Presentation is everything."
He then flops down in a nearby chair and scooches it over to where the rest are sitting, making the occasional scraping sound as he does.