Lia listens to Poljen and Onthar talk about the women. " I think that we should give them the choice. I personally feel that they should depart back west away from this area. The west holds unknown dangers or maybe none. The east holds a soon to be besieged city. That isn't a pleasant place for anyone. If the city falls it will most likely go much worse for the women than men. I know that Greenest needs all the help it can get. These women are not warriors however and would not be much aid. " Lia walks among the women offering encouraging words where needed. She has a serene look on her face but her feelings don't match her outward appearance.
Elyria, looks to the wood elf and offers a weak smile. It took her a moment, but she says, "I know… It was just she was already struggling to hold onto life when shot down. I was trying to give her a second chance, and it was taken from her so swiftly."
It was more just the shock of the situation that had put the young squire out of sorts. Her brother would probably being able to straighten things out, especially since Lia had told him what happened.
"I will speak with her," Geoffroy says in reply to her words, Lia concern appreciated. He sighs though wishing it hadn't come to such. The Morninglord was still a bit angry, and thankfully the sorceress would no longer be a problem, yet his sisters seemed to have taken the situation a bit hard.
Looking to Poljen, the cleric apologizes saying, "You were still up and able to fight my friend. I apologize but with how quickly the battle was going I focused on Targul as he was already fallen." Geoffroy hoped he would understand, if the battle had continued and the barbarian fell in battle, he would heal him as well.
Geoffroy moves over to where his sister was, asking her, "So it didn't turn out how you wished. She had attack you, almost killed me, and harmed others. She was a danger and a threat." Elyria nods, having other thoughts.
For now she says, "I know, I had just thought, beyond her pride and vanity, there might be something more." Elyria wanted to say more, but kept quite as they prepared to head out and follow with the others.
Geoffroy had allowed the others to carry the adventure, taking a long rest in preparation of what might come with Elyria keeping quite for now and tending to the horse with the others her brother employed walking near.
Out of Character: My apologizes for not posting sooner.
Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Jan, 2017 - 8:11am
The news that Greenest is about to be under siege disturbs the former prisoners considerably. Most are in favor of departing to the west as swiftly as they can, but two of them, the woman who executed Sar'ai's prisoner included, express a desire to join you instead.
Sir Onthar hears them, and nods, he relates what he knows of the situation to them and says, "Any who wish to help in the fight for Greenest and its people may join us, but I suggest that you be certain you are prepared to risk your life for that cause, I cannot guarantee safety. We'll get the rest of you on your way out of here. I suggest making for Baldur's Gate. Candlekeep is closer, and not far off of that route, but I would not count on the monks there to provide shelter."
"I need people to recover and start loading those wagons. Load four wagons full of any provisions and goods you can find that would be useful to Greenest in the troubles to come, we'll be taking those along with us. Also work with those going west to load what they need for their journey, along with the most valuable of the stolen trade goods so they have a chance to recover elsewhere. I don't think it is safe to burden either group with taking everything. We both need to move swiftly."
"Sar'ai, Onwen, could you please investigate these runes? This tent may hold more answers for us."
"Lia, I am heading north, and I suspect I will need your assistance with the other freed prisoners. To make sure they see a friendly face first if nothing else."
Edited: daishain on 21st Jan, 2017 - 4:19pm
Lia is surprised that the two women wish to join but doesn't say anything. She nods to Sir Onthar. "I will be glad to assist you with the other prisoners. I feel the same way you do also. I feel urgency is required. There is just something about this place… "The wood elf scans the area.
Poljen grins his big, goofy grin at Geoffroy. "Now I apologize. I did not mean to berate you for not healing me. It means you recognize my prowess and focused aid where it was more useful. I just wanted others to know I did not get that help. No harm done, eh?" He offers a meaty hand for the cleric to shake.
After that he will assist in the loading of wagons and harnessing of teams. Even though the women are not warriors, he advises they take some of the scavenged swords and bows. "Anyone can get lucky, and the sight of weapons might give attackers pause before trying anything. Then when you get to Baldur's Gate, sell them for coin you need." To the women coming to Greenest, he also advises they grab weapons they feel comfortable with.
Cahleth, too, encourages the women to take some of the supplies and arms. He carves out a few minutes to write a letter on their behalf, and gives it, along with 10gp, to who he views as the boldest of the women. "Should you come across any trouble, show this letter. It is marked witht the sign of The Harpers. Many will let you pass with that alone, those who don't, you can offer this gold. Upon reaching Baldur's Gate, you may show this letter again to the guard at the gate. If he's worth bis salt he'll be able to direct you accordingly."
The letter simply outlines the plight of these travelers, and threatens ill-omen any who impede them. It also explains how we liberated them, and wish them to be looked after. Signed, The Silver Blaze.
Sar'ai smiles as she takes the rod from Onwen, "I'd have to get them specially tailored as mine are already, so I believe it works out for the both of us." She winks as she turns to head to the north camp.
After determining what to do with the freed women, Sar'ai will approach the woman who killed the guard and gives her a smile of approval before heading over to tent with the runes. The half-drow will then sit down and begin speaking some arcane words while clutching her amethyst amulet.
Out of Character: Sar'ai will do Detect magic as a ritual right next to the tent. She also has the rod that Onwen gave her as well as the items Lia gave her from the sorceress.