Oswald notices the group halting and quietly pulls out his longbow. "Time to break you in." He thinks to himself.
His stance changes from one braced for combat, to that of a man ready to move; his eyes focused on the corridor ahead, his ears listening to the path behind.
Out of Character: Stealth to stay quiet.
Edited: Robertreaper on 28th Jul, 2017 - 6:36pm
Poljen thinks a moment, then crouches down and looks at Cratol, Fay and Jack. He points at himself, Cratol and Jack, and then makes motion of his fingers walking and points further down the hall, directly across the intersection. Next he points at Fay and makes a gesture indicating the rest of the group and points both index fingers at the ground at their feet. Finally, he spreads his long arms wide, splays his fingers and brings them almost together. He raises his eyebrows, obviously waiting for their reaction to his plan.
Cratol looks at him. He thinks to himself "Ahh take away the ambush and place the ambushers in between us and make them fight on two fronts. That is a interesting ideal." He looks to the others to see what they think of this plan.
Geoffroy nods at the plan being made, having kept quite when there was indication of noise and activity in the direction of the path in front of them. At least if the movements of their scouts was any indication.
Out of Character: : I am going to be very busy today, continue without me if you need to and I will try to send at least one more reply later in the evening.
Jharen smirks when he understands the barbarian's idea.
He quietly positions himself just before the corner around the right-hand tunnel where the ambushers await, ready to strike at them from the shadows whenever they enter the intersection.
He makes a thumbs-up sign towards Poljen and engages a bolt in his crossbow, all senses in alert.
Out of Character:
Ready to boogie, I'll be posting again in about 4 hours, real time.
Lia looks ahead at the group members stopping. She notices how they are furtively communicating and realizes that there must be an enemy up ahead. While glancing up front for a moment she focuses her attention behind them since there are many people up front that can sound the alarm.
Mari grips her twin shortswords tightly and moves to the side of the corridor and squeezes herself tightly up against it.
Out of Character: : Cinder, the warding bond is no longer active. It has been more than an hour.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Jul, 2017 - 10:48pm
Poljens nods as they make ready. He looks at Cratol one last time, then begins to move into the intersection. Despite having been warned there are enemies hiding off to the right, he moves carefully, glancing down both the right and left corridors. He has been telling himself that unless the duergar, or whatever is waiting, is plainly obvious, he will act as if he has not seen it. He wants the enemy to think they are safely hidden. His one concern is if there are actually also enemies hidden down to the left, then he and Cratol and Jack could be the ones caught in the jaws of a trap. Then again, he is confident that if that is the case, first of all, they can defend themselves adequately, and second, the reinforcements from the rest of the team, including Silas, will be in the fray quickly. But if nothing jumps them quickly, they will continue down the hall, hoping the enemy than reveals itself….
Edited: PaulNelson on 29th Jul, 2017 - 1:22am