Poljen does indeed put on the necklace as they prepare for the gorgon(S). Once the first is in view, he readies his bow for the second one. He lets fly two arrows, listening to Jack as the rogue judges the distance. He also once again summons the battle madness that has served him so well… then he drops the bow and charges with sword and shield.
Out of Character: : Bonus to Rage, Two bow attacks, with Advantage on the first from Jack's Help. Movement to intercept, and I am betting it will breathe on him, so CON roll with Advantage.
Lia grimaces as she sees the Gorgoncharging. " Will this never end?" She flies forward behind Poljen and then calls upon Sune. " Send consuming fire O great Mistress. We need your help yet again. " Glowing flames descend from the ceiling and drop down towards the creature's head.
Mari crouches against the wall holding her breath. She is expecting the sound of combat at any time.
Specific Action: Lia will fly up by the ceiling to have visibility over Poljen. She will end up in N7. Lia then cast Sacred Flame upon the gorgon. Spell save is DC 14.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Aug, 2017 - 1:28am
Huddled in the shadows against the wall, Jack does his best to guide Poljen's first bow shot but it seems the barbarian has his bow well in hand.
The rogue keeps his place and focusses on picking out any grey dwarf emerging from the corner of the eastern tunnel with his crossbow, hoping for a surprise attack from his hiding spot, all the while observing the gorgon's position and manner to better shout advice at his comrades while they literally risk their skin facing the monster.
Inside his ring, the soul of the old mariner is cackling maddeningly: ' Haharhhahar ! Yiz are foitin a bunch of midgeets and a bleedin COW... ? This is too rich, this truly is, nu… !'
Out of Character:
Crossbow shot with sneak attack on any Duergar emerging within range;
Help action shifts to Velon on round 2.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 9th Aug, 2017 - 3:43am