Lia hugs Elyria tightly before they depart. " Take care of yourself Elyria. Fear not, Silas will restore your brother to you. I look with joy to the day that you two rejoin our company. You will be greatly missed. " She waves to them as they ride off. Studying them for a moment as they ride off she watches with a frown.
Turning back to the group her face is expressionless. " We must make haste to reach our rendezvous point tonight. I suppose everyone in their normal positions. Stealth isn't really our main priority, it is speed. If anyone needs any more healing, please speak up now. Otherwise, let us be off. By the way, I'm the temporary leader and I'm no dictator. If anyone has a suggestion or idea please feel free to speak up at any time. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Aug, 2017 - 4:05pm
Fay wishes Elyria well and assures her everything will be fine with Geoffroy. He thanks Silas for his help and guidance, "We'd have not made it out of those wretched cavers without ye. I'm sure 'twas a time they were a sight to behold, but if I never seem 'em again 'twould be once too often."
Then he looks to Lia, "Amillë, where dost thou want me in line of march? Methinks as we near these dread swamps we should keep our guard up."
Out of Character: Sorry I haven't been up much. Went hiking and camping in the Appalachians.
The road north is wide and clear. The next few hours are spent traveling at incredible speed, as the horselike spirits take you faster than you might have suspected was possible.
There is not much traffic, but you do pass by a few very surprised travelers.
Near evening, you have a surprise yourselves. From ahead, a gold dragon wings their way south Source 9z
She dives, twists, and turns, coming out in a fast glide alongside you all. She dips her wing in salute, then climbs and turns again, heading south once more.
Zarra, the voices are coming closer, they're clearly about to enter the chamber. What is your response?
Velon looks in amazement as the dragon glides past and gives a bit of a bow, as best he can with his head from his steed at least, as Silas had taught him. He uses the Message spell to send "Hello, friend" in Draconic. He hopes he is interpreting the salute of this majestic being properly.
The reply comes to Velon's ears, it is a melodic and beautiful voice "Good fortune in the mere, I am Chasorth, I go to join my mate Irdeith. I hope to speak with you all properly soon enough."
Edited: daishain on 21st Aug, 2017 - 1:10am
Seeing the huge gold flying above makes Lia think for a moment of Leninthon. As her mind takes in that this is a friend, she has a huge grin on her face. Lia waves to the drake and continues north. She calls to her companions" It is nice to have some dragons on our side for once. "
Fay looks up at the dragon and thanks the gods that this one is on there side. He waves briefly and then grabs the reins again with both hands as they seemingly fly across the ground at a gallop faster than anything he'd ever encountered before.