Nodding at Onwen, "I hope we are all OK with having blood on our hands. Once we reach Greenest there is no telling what we may find. If the town comes under siege, some innocent souls are likely to die, no matter how hard we fight to prevent that. As for my conscience, if one of us falls, I will be sad, regardless of the circumstances. I'm sure we will all be asking "What if" if that time comes, no matter who we elect as leader."
"If one were to die because of a mistake I made, I would feel sorrow at their death and disappointment in myself for such but not let it consume me," Geoffroy replies after what was being asked was clarified. He continues with the words, "No, I would seek to improve myself and make sure it doesn't happen again. Make sure to do everything I can to prevent unnecessary life lost."
He would handle it, but should would not be lost from his thoughts was largely what he was getting at, much like Cahleth's own words actually. The Morninglord was no stranger to seeing a leader make mistakes, nor did Geoffroy doubt that he would make at least a few. Hopefully though, he could avoid anyone of the SIlver Flame dying and at least make sure it was not because of either a bad decision or being unable to make one when it was needed.
Edited: Thomaslee on 29th Jan, 2017 - 12:31pm
As the conversation winds down, Trill, one of the clerics with the Order of the Gauntlet, comes and finds Lia and Geoffroy. "I believe we have done what we can. The fire will take quite some time to finish burning, but when it is done there will be nothing left but ash, and we've taken precautions to ensure it won't spread to the woods. There's enough scented materials in there to cover the stench. The bereaved have had some time to collect themselves and are ready to pay their respects. We can begin when you give the word."
Lia nods. She looks at Geoffroy. " Shall we?" She heads over to the pyre. Lia thinks the whole way over about what she will say. She knows that while all funeral services are difficult this will be more than most. " Geoffroy, I'll do my part first as we discussed."
The wood elf stands in front of the mourners. " I know that you are suffering unimaginable pain and loss right now. Times like this we walk through the long shadow that death casts upon life. Be encouraged that your loved ones made a difference by living. They made a difference in your life and those around them. " She eyes the crackling flames as she thinks on this.
" This isn't the end. They no longer occupy these bodies of flesh. Your loved ones now live in a different plane of existence and are finally at peace. They await you there. Life is short as we all know. Live a life worthy of your loved ones. It may seem that it will be forever before you will see them again but it will not be long in reality. Dwell on the fond memories from your time spent together. Think not of the scene in front of you. This isn't who they were or are. " Lia thinks about how short human lifespans are and is saddened for them.
Lia continues speaking " Death tries to conquer life but always fails. While a person will die, they will live again in another realm. Death is temporary, life is eternal. You will meet them again. Fear not. Please, anyone who would like to speak about their loved ones, please come forward. " Lia steps back towards Geoffroy as her part is finished.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th Jan, 2017 - 11:25pm
A murmur of surprise and shock suddenly seems to rise from the small gathering of the afflicted as a tall, lithe figure wrapped in long, hooded traveling robes slowly makes her way to the front of the group of the mourners. She comes to stand about an arm's length from the elven cleric, her visage impenetrable inside the shadows of the hood.
The stranger remains transfixed, her head slightly tilted down from what seems to be an eternity, until the onlookers suddenly catch their breath as she slowly turns around to face the crowd, lowering what at first could have passed for some sort of a coif to reveal a set of majestic, curved ivory horns.
Her deathly pale skin glimmering like molten moonlight in the light cast by the flames, a Tiefling of the purest white now stands and stares at all gathered, her eyes like bottomless holes of the deepest, darkest black, her head cocked at a slight angle, like a house cat watching a fly.
Her deeply unsettling, yet fascinating gaze settling softly but avidly on each and every face, lingering for a moment where she seems to be sucking in the whole depth and the darkest secrets of one's soul, she very purposefully arches the delicate curve of her back and reaches for what appears to be a long, carved staff of rare white wood, or perhaps the bone of an ancient, long forgotten creature.
She abruptly smacks the ground with the strange, primitive tool, then executes a perfect whirling jump, her great mane of white hair trailing behind her and her body bending effortlessly into a clean circular somersault, to then land on all four in a crouching pose and almost instantly straighten up as she brings what reveals itself to be a long bone flute to her lips and starts to play…
It is difficult to describe the feelings and thoughts brought about by the tune that rises over the small assembly as the tiefling expertly runs her mouth and fingers through the length of her instrument, all the while executing small steps and stops to accompany the alien, otherworldly rhythm: to all present it seems less a tune than a tale told by the dead and stroked by black, silky wings, a tale of loss and sorrow and rage and fear and loneliness but also of enduring hope and fierce defiance, the screaming of the damned and the trumpets of the angels all tangling together and rising to call aloud for the living.
There is a tension, a suffering into the performance that at times feels almost impossible to bear, yet it is also strangely comforting, the same way a walk on a desolate cliff on a full moon night can reveal hidden truths and past lies and deceits, the way a sudden scream cuts through the air like a knife lancing an abcess about to burst, purging it with the searing pain and the clarity of revelation…
So the unholy creature played, and darkness rose to meet the light, waves of sound came crashing in the night and as fast as it started, the music stopped, leaving only the incredulous stares of the audience and the soft purring of the funeral pyre.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Jan, 2017 - 1:58am
Sar'ai watched the almost intoxicatingly macabre spectacle that the pale tiefling put on. The half-drow couldn't help but think to herself, "Where did she come from? Had she always been with the caravan? What can I not recall someone so intriguing?" She then settled these thoughts as being nothing more than flippant passiveness, as the wizard had done with regards to many that took part in the caravan that weren't of the Blaze.
Once the tiefling seemingly ended her display, Sar'ai, grinning, leaned over to Lia and whispered, "Interesting. I was not aware of such rituals being apart of your goddess's funeral rites. Or was this Geoffroy's idea?"
When asked if he was ready, Geoffroy gives a nod to the wood elf with a more serious expression. Funerals by their nature were somber experiences, even though he would be speaking to lift the spirits and hearts of those in mourning and having lose someone important to them. Replying he says, "Yes, as we discussed."
He does smile as Lia speaks, her words offering much the opening for his own words. No it was not the end, but only the beginning. Yet before he could begin his part of the ceremony, when a hooded figure appears. Instinctive his hand moved to his weapon on seeing the figure reveal herself as a tiefling of deathly pallor of skin revealed herself, yet he pauses to consider her intention.
If he were to be honest, the tiefling's entrance was impressive, if very unsettling, yet on realizing that what she revealed and possessed was a weapon Geoffroy nods. The tone brought mixed emotion, as well it was clear the woman was trying to offer a grand performance to add to the funeral ceremony its tune was such perhaps more that would frighten then assist in the mourning process.
Taking out his Dulcimer, nodding to the tiefling, the cleric adds to the tone seeking a balance between the sorrow, rage, tension, and suffering of the otherworldly tone with a harmony of a brighter tone. Yet, out of respect, he makes sure not to overwhelm the melody played the pale tiefling but to compliment with music that showed a hopefulness from the despair, joy from the sorrow, and peace from the anger.
"It is not the end, no but instead a new beginning. Death is much the next great adventure, a new morning, and as the rising sun the light shall cast out the darkness of death. Someday, you will be able to join those that you have lost today," With a prayer on his lips, holy symbol in hand, the flames would begin to swirl with the music though it was not quite what had been planned.
As the music stopped, it would leave a calm, and a small smile on Geoffroy's face despite still be suspicious of the woman and her sudden appearance.
Out of Character: Going to roll a couple of skills he has proficiency in.
Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Jan, 2017 - 12:12pm
Poljen listens and watches as Lia speaks to the crowd while the flames begin the grisly job of cremating the numerous dead. His face remains impassive, though his thoughts return to the battlefield where his tribe was essentially wiped out. His people did not have common funeral rites. Some mourned aloud, others privately. As the sole survivor, he had build a cairn for his parents, but left the rest of the tribe exposed to the elements and scavengers, who after all are part of one's return to nature.
When the tiefling moved forward he shifted his stance, ready for trouble, and he is glad none arises. The music the creature plays is slightly unsettling, and he is unsure if he approves of such a performance during a funeral service. He always felt that if there is a service, the focus should be on the dead and their meaning to the living. The music might not distract from what he considered proper, but the dance surely did. In the end he shrugs, as this is not his service. If the women who lost loved ones in this place do not care, neither does he. He is silently glad Geoffroy brings everything to a close in a way he finds more familiar. As the service comes to an end he volunteers to be one of the stokers, to ensure the fire completes it task.