You're escorted down to the waters edge, and then in. The water is cold and unpleasant. The lizardfolk get you to take a deep breath and submerge roughly at the same time. Then the rope jerks a bit and accelerates. For those unable to see in shadow, it is utter blackness down here. Those with better vision are able to see as the group is pulled down and then into a hole a good thirty feet below the surface. The tunnel zooms by as the dozen or so lizardfolk at the head of each rope swim together. A giant leach looms up out of the darkness, but it is chased off with spears before it can bring harm.
And then you are moving up again, and one by one, you find yourselves in shallows and able to stand. Assistance is given those who need it.
Soon enough, you are gathered in a now rather crowded chamber along with your temporary allies. Light can be seen further down a tunnel, its source is around a sharp corner to the left. You can see the shadow of a large unmoving figure on the right hand wall.
Snapjaw points, "Stone man waits past turn."
Fay exits the water and shivers a bit. He looks down the tunnel and sees the shadow and what Snapjaw is alluding to. "Well, shall we? But before we do, what is the plan?" He says in a hushed tone so none outside of those nearby could hear him.
Jack shakes the water from his hair and sogged clothes as he carefully takes a crouching position next to Oswald.
He takes a long look towards the bend in the tunnel and signals towards Poppo.
"Maybe that frog can let us know how much space we're dealing with here… ", he whispers as he takes a look around the pool they just stepped out of. "There's a lot of us here. Hopefully not too many to try a diverting tactic. Master Hobbit, wanna risk your little batrachian friend near that golem ? Hopefully won't be identified as much of a threat. Still, wouldn't want to be responsible for little Goliath's demise… or anyone of us, for that matter !".
After a moment he turns towards Snapjaw: "I wonder if this golem knows how to swim… ".
Out of Character:
Ok, we'll need to get an exact idea of the golem's position and how much room space we have, here.
Any chance we can get the golem to charge towards the pool and have Poppo use a grease spell to send him skidding into the water ? That would only work if: 1. There's enough maneuvering room for most of us either to sneak past him or stay away from his path as he's going towards the pool 2. The water inside the pool is deep enough for it to sink into it without being able to drag itself out again… maybe if we use the grease spell all round the periphery of the basin, so it can't get any traction to come out.
Pretty far-fetched, but that is all that Jack has got sofar.
Daishain, what's the exact set-up here ? Any chance we can get a map of sorts ?
Edited: AshDrunbar on 8th Sep, 2017 - 11:54pm
Lia listens to the others discuss the situation. " Jack has the right of it. We need to know the situation around the corner. If there is room to maneuver around it then we can still follow the original plan with Velon, Poljen and myself distracting the golem. If… there isn't room for that then we will all join in and destroy it whether by getting it trapped somewhere or by outright destroying it. "
Snapjaw says to Jack, "Tried, didn't follow us to water. Probably not swim, but it not try last time."
Out of Character: the following is what you can see and guess from your current position. Source 8q.
Cratol looks about at the passageway. "If the passageway does not widen up around the corner then we would need to get it to follow us out here. Those that are to sneak pass it can hug one of the walls and as it comes out we can slide past and in to get to the hostages so they will be safe while those assigned to destroy it stay in combat with it."