Jack sees a hall similar in design to the one he passed through below, but it is cleaner, more well furnished, and the doors are spaced further apart.
Also, the guard is a lot uglier. Near the other end of the hall is a hulking black scaled monstrosity. Humanoid, but standing over ten feet in height and with a head similar to that of a black dragon.
Strapped to its right forearm is the skull of a true dragon being used as a shield, from a young silver from the looks of it.
The movement of the door apparently caught the guardian's eye. It is looking curiously in Jack's direction, has picked up a nasty looking sword, and is proceeding towards you.
Edited: daishain on 25th Sep, 2017 - 4:52pm
Fay moves nearer to Jack and whispers "Shista" to himself. He nudges Jack to let him know he is ready to move whichever way Jack thinks is safest given the current circumstances.
Out of Character: I'd be willing to try a door but that is darn dangerous. So are the elves. I say we exit and wait and see it the castle goes up in arms and the Elves leave if the main party ever actually attacks! Actually, at this point everything is dangerous. When the ugly 10' tall half dragon that spits acid sees the door open and close again he's going to be mighty suspicious.
Edited: Abnninja on 25th Sep, 2017 - 9:04pm
Jack's blood turns cold as he sees the half-dragon moving towards them. The only thing he has time to think is: "Aw, shucks! ", before Fay springs into position and starts moving away from the sphere of silence.
The rogue doesn't take time to think, he quickly grabs the bard and attempts to keep him from getting any closer to the beast, urgently indicating that this is not the time for heroics. He then quickly retreats outside the door and down the stairs, keeping his friend in a firm armlock that leaves nothing unclear about his intentions: it's time to retreat, not time to die!
Out of Character:
Considering the fact that Jack has the Silent Stone around his neck, it would take either a sign from Fay asking the rogue to remove the Zone of Silence, or Fay to actually step far enough away from it. Jack will do his best to keep this from happening and stop his friend from singing (Or doing any other kind of pointless heroics, thereby alerting the whole fort on his presence and probably signing his death warrant), and in this case that will mean grabbing him and keeping him into the silent sphere, forcefully if need be.
I'll roll Initiative, then a Dexterity check to catch Fay in time and a Strength check to actually wrestle him down if he insists on suicide. Hopefully that should be enough.
Daishain, not sure if these would be straight Ability checks or saves: in the later case, the modifiers are +8 and +3, respectively, instead of +4 and +2.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 25th Sep, 2017 - 8:29pm
Velon tries not to move once his mates signal to stop at the sight of the two cultists. He takes measure of the distance down the hallway and assumes their stealthy scouts will make short work of the two men as they have others found in the keep thus far. Just in case, he prepares the Hold Person spell. He will cast this if the expected scout ambush fails and the enemy appears about to retreat down the hall or cry for help.
Out of Character: Only casting this spell if, form where Velon is standing a good ways away, something goes obviously wrong with the actions of Mari, Oswald, Zarra, Poljen, etc. Deferring any initiative action until then. Specific condition is the enemy surviving long enough to start yelling and/or running.
Jack's blood turns to ice for a second as he sees the half-dragon start to make its way towards them, but then he realizes the beast is too far to have detected them yet, although the open door will give their position away very soon.
He answers Fay's propping by a nudge of his own, silently indicating they should retreat down the stairs without delay.
Out of Character:
Both he and Fay will make their way down the stairs, retracing their steps as fast as they can while keeping under their invisibility / silence cover.
Lia worries about Fay and Jack and what they might encounter. She wonders why the scouts are taking so long." Poljen, we can't delay any longer. Go join the scouts and let's get moving. Clear a path in blood to the gate."
Out of Character: : The game is starting to drag with slow or no responses in the main party. Let's get this over with.
Out of Character: Yeah, Oswald isn't going to start the attack because he doesn't have a good position; with Zarra and Mari upfront. He is waiting for one of them to attack so that he can aid if needed.
Edited: Robertreaper on 26th Sep, 2017 - 1:26pm