Lia grins at Velon and shakes her head." Lets follow behind Velon. We need a way up to the walls. It's time to finish cleansing this keep."
Hearing Zarra she looks at her with a smooth visage." There is a group out looking for the mask. You asked to be a part of that group and I said we needed you with the main group. We can't have people splitting off from the main group yet. We don't know what kind of opposition we yet face. Worst case is we eliminate all resistance here and find the mask later when we have more time." Lia looks back at the others." Lets go. We will have the mask shortly and depart from this accursed place."
Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th Sep, 2017 - 5:15am
The drow nodded, hoping their effort wouldn't be for waste. Zarra will consider what was said, and hope Lia's words were true. That it was not too late for the mask to be found.
The main group proceeds down the passage. About midway, they find a ladder going up and down. The sounds of fighting can be heard from above.
If the fort's design pattern holds, there will also be a fair sized set of stairs going up and down further ahead.
Fay and Jack watch as lizardfolk start pouring in through the main gate. They're met by cultists coming out of the ground floor of the main building. Soon a nasty melee is ongoing in the courtyard.
The elves by their position open fire, sending arrow after arrow into the lizardfolk ranks.
Jack doesn't take too much time watching the battle unfold in the courtyard below, although he feels a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is probably their best shot to exploit the surrounding chaos.
He lifts the stone and speaks aloud this time close to Fay's ear, his words almost drowning in the din of battle: "Okay, I just thought of something: with all this noise up here, you'll easily make your way towards the gate and find the others without having to become visible: go find your 'ma and let her know I'll be waiting for her and the rest of you just outside the door where we found the guardian last time, on that stair landing below. That way I'll keep an eye on comings and goings while you lot slash and murder your way through. Sounds good? "
Out of Character:
Not sure if the stairs the two scouts recently used are being used by the troops or not. In any case, Jack's priority is to get back down to the lower chambers as fast as possible.
Velon rushes up the ladder and climbs out onto the top of the wall and to his feet, peering in both directions down the wall to see what is going on and where there may be nearby targets to slay.
His blood is really pumping now and he is hurrying to get into the fray. The spirit of the dragon within him hungers to destroy anyone or anything tied to Tiamat, and his own mind is telling him that taking out even one archer as soon as possible could save one or more of their lizard folk friends, possibly swaying the battle.