Fay hears Jack and replies, "Not until we have a look at what's behind door number two. I want to see if those Elves left and if that may be the way to the mask. That was the plan. Then we go together. We can no be alone, always go in a team is what me Pa told me."
Oswald hears that the group is heading up a ladder. He maneuvers the Flaming Sphere in such a way that no one would be able to lower the gate again.
Maintaining his connection, he follows the rest of the group. He thinks briefly of his friend and wonders how Jharen is fairing.
Out of Character: Daishain, how's the time-line here? If the group is coming on the battlements, any chance that Jharen and Fay can spot any of them?
I'm thinking they may hear some commotion as the Blaze is making their way on top of the wall. Might determine their next move.
If nobody from the group is spotted during, say, the next 2 rounds, I propose that Jack follows Fay's idea and the original plan and they both try and make their way down the stairs back to the elves' quarters (Providing said-stairs aren't chock-full with men-at-arms, of course…).
Does that make sense roleplaying-wise? Trying to avoid power-gaming here, but going back down in force may turn out to be the better option nevertheless.
I'll leave it up to circumstances and timing though.
Velon arrives at the top of the wall, where a lizardfolk starts swinging a massive club down towards his head, but another grabs his arm first and shoves him towards the cultists ahead. Another threat presents itself fairly quickly as the group gets to the top of the ladder however, as several arrows, fired with pinpoint accuracy, find their mark among their number. The source appears to be a unit of elven archers on the northern wall, they're firing in concert with the grace and skill their race is known for.
The lizardfolk up here have stalled a bit, enough cultists rallied with shields to slow their advance. They seem content to mostly maintain a defensive wall while the archers steadily pick off their bestial foes.
The group Snapjaw is with, over on the eastern wall, seems to be faring better. But the archers are focusing much of their fire on them as a result.
Below in the courtyard, the bulk of both armies are engaged in a thick tangle. It is very difficult to say who is winning down there.
Out of Character: The following individuals were hit and took damage: Velon 6, Lia 17, Poljen 9, Cratol 12, Battlemap has been updated with character positioning. I have not attempted to place everyone involved, just enough to give you a good idea.
Jack and Fay slip around behind the elves and head down the stairs. They get a good look at three individuals heading from the second floor down to the first. The large creature they saw in the hall, accompanied by another one just like it armed with a massive greataxe. In between the pair, dwarfed by their size, is a relatively slim half black dragon in purple robes. Her facial features seem stiff at first, but then you realize that she is wearing a mask.
If you remember right, purple robes denotes the rank of wyrmspeaker in this cult, which would likely make this person Wyrmspeaker Rezmir, the head of the Black Wing sect.
Out of Character: An image of Rezmir, without the mask, is on this Wiki page. Source 8i Can't link to the image directly for reasons, so please just ignore the rest of the article, not least because notable portions of it are wrong in the context of my version of this campaign.
Edited: daishain on 30th Sep, 2017 - 3:18am
Poljen beams a huge grin and says, "Now THIS is a fight!" He charges past the lizards into the bunch of cultists and begins swinging his sword. He wants to chop through these foes quickly so they can get to the north wall, and finish clearing the walls.
Out of Character: : Definitely Rage, and Reckless Attacks. I will also roll Initiative again. If you don't want it, ignore it.
Velon reaches the top of the ladder and by the time he has assessed the situation he and his companions are struck with a volley of arrows. Having seen the lizard folk battling a shield wall, an all too familiar situation on this quest, he knows what they need. The paladin kneels at the top of the ladder and puts up his shield to block the arrows from hitting those companions of his that are still climbing out. He calls for Bahamut's aid and casts Bless on himself, Poljen… and… He delays for a fraction of a second and then pictures the young man of few words but bold actions diving over the shield wall back in the Undermountain and smiles. Cratol also receives Bless as he comes up the ladder, Bahamut ready to aid the monk's many strikes.
Once his shield is up Velon looks back at Lia and his eyes search for Poppo. You all have a little lightening or fire for these shield carrying bastards before we jump their line?
Out of Character: Velon is preparing to step past the enemy line again and knows others, Lia and Cratol for instance, can do the same if they choose, but decides to hold off to see if a fireball can be cast to wreck the massed enemy first.
Bless to Poljen and Cratol.