Lia feels sharp pains and is surprised to see three arrows protruding from her legs, arms and stomach. Seeing who shot them she is enraged. Consumed with rage she almost doesn't hear Velon." Yes, I've got lightning for them. Kill them all." She removes her broom from behind her back and hops aboard. She calls upon Sune and healing warmth helps the pain feel somewhat removed from her. Lia then flies over and then to the flank of the cultists holding the lizard folk up. She extends her wand and lightning sizzles towards the cultists.
Out of Character: : She cast cure wounds (Level 1) on herself. Lia will then fly to O29 and send the lightning bolt through both of the rear ranks of cultists. She doesn't target the front rank to avoid hitting her allies. Lia will try to use what cover she can to hide from the elven archers.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th Sep, 2017 - 2:03pm
While Lia focuses on the defensive wall of cultists, Poppo rubs his hands together and gestures towards the contingent of archers. A massive explosive of heat erupts in their midst.
Out of Character: : Casting Fireball on the archers.
Seeing the ugly creatures leave where they were, Fay all but tugs Jack in that direction. He thinks to himself, "Three of em, eh. I'd have have been dead fer certes. Now let us go find that mask." He hears fighting up too but he knows their mission is the mask.
Jack tugs on Fay's sleeve and gets as close as possible to the bard's ear, so as to be able to whisper without the trio of half-dragons hearing them, all the while still doing his utmost to keepup and tail their every move: "Hold on a second, I think we need a plan of action to tackle this… "
Out of Character:
Ninja, we do need to think about this for a second… see post in other thread.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 30th Sep, 2017 - 4:44pm
Fay listens to Jack and responds, "It wears the mask?" He moves to the side, takes out his crossbow and takes careful aim at the smaller beast. Then he lets fly his bolt. "Hide Jack, there and get behind em" Fay whispers.
Afterwards, he heads up the stairs to the sound of battle above… willing the creatures to follow him. Calling to them. "Ye miserable retches, come up here in the light where I can properly see ye and cut ye down."
Out of Character: Lucky sniper shop… unless the mask is made of metal. In which case he casts heat metal at third level. Lucky sniper shot does full damage 2d6 plus bonus damage. Lucky sniper shot is an automatic hit. I'll roll for heat metal below. Either way, once he does his action he will move his full distance up the stairs towards the battlements and pray the sound he hears is his friends.
Edited: Abnninja on 30th Sep, 2017 - 6:17pm