Lawrance grins, an idea coming to mind. “I have a thought as far as signalling goes. Take my familiar - I can hear and see through it’s eyes as long as you are within 100’, and you could send it out a window if you are too far away. That’d be a good signal, don’t you think?”.
"Good thinking" Velon replies to Lawrance. "Ok, we need to get the rest of the group closer in case Zarra and Lorairies need us. How about that building over there? We'll sneak in after dark. If anyone comes in we silently subdue them and tie them up without harming them, unless they are definitely a cultist." He looks to Poljen and Lawrance for their opinions having seen things more closely via their scouting efforts.
Out of Character: Velon points to the storage building Daishain mentioned in the Q&A.
She frowns thoughtfully at the mention of his hawk." Will he consent to being kept in a bag of some sort? I will be relying on a disguise at that point. Carrying around a hawk would probably draw some unneeded attention to us."
Poljen scowls at the cleric. "I am quieter than you would think. Especially with these boots. But off you go. Lawrance, just have your bird shadow them. If they get into trouble, it can fly back to tell us what it can. Unfortunately while I can see through Trammet's eyes from a great distance, I can only do so for an hour or so, once a day."
He turns to Velon and asks, "Are you sure you wish to wait for darkness? I know it will make it easier to sneak into town, but if our quarry is readying to leave, we may miss out. I am not arguing for a change of the plan. I just want to make sure it is considered."
She grins impishly at the tall barbarism. The young cleric makes a mental note of how he reacted to her comment." She waits for Lawrance to finish his ritual." Now it's your turn to shine, Poppo is it? Whenever you are ready." Once her and Zarra are invisible they will move rapidly towards the town." Let's head to that building Velon spoke of, Zarra. That will be a good spot to go into disguise mode. I'm still curious why you conceal your appearance."
The two rogues make the run to the storage space while under the cover of invisibility. They reach it easily enough, and even find a door that is not in sight of the guards. Unfortunately there's a padlock on it. Nothing fancy, but it is a solid piece.
Lorairies grins in Zarra's general direction." Watch my back as I try to pick this lock" she whispers to her companion. Placing her ear against the door she will listen for any sounds. In the event she hears nothing she will pull out her thieves' tools and attempt to pick the lock. She quietly asks for Mask to assist her in each case.
Specific Action: She will cast guidance upon herself both times before listening at the door and attenpting to pick the lock. Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Oct, 2017 - 3:28am