Lora studies Velon for a moment." Surprises. I like that. I like it better when I'm in on them and not being the one surprised. One day soon I will find out, I'm sure. It is reassuring to know that we have the means to escape from here if need be."
Lora paces around as she is ready to begin the next step." By the way everyone, feel free to call me Lora instead of Lorairies. It rolls off of the tongue a little easier. Now Velon, say the word and we can begin our work to capture the next tower."
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Nov, 2017 - 4:54am
“Yes, lets at least prop the guard up in a chair or something. Good idea.”
(Once that is done…)
“Ok, let’s move! Everyone knows what to do. Lawrance, Poppo, help me watch for scouts elsewhere on the keep and such while the others do their thing, would you?”
“If the door to the next tower can’t be opened, signal me. I should be able to get in.”.
I nod at Velon." I won't use another spell to keep us quiet. I think that we can do it without help this time. I'm trying to make sure that when we really need to be sneaky then we can." She touches Zarra on her arm and calls upon the blessing of the trickster." Off we go. Step two in getting our very own flying castle." Lora moves as quietly as she can to the other guard tower. She will examine the lock and then try to open the door silently.
Out of Character: : Zarra has advantage on her move silently rolls for 1 hour.
Lawrance directs his familiar spirit into a new position, placed to more easily over watch the scouts as they head to the tower. While helping to set up the body he’ll keep a watch out as well, ready to assist the scouts with some long range artillery, if needed. “May each step we take be as simple as the first one. “
Out of Character: : how much time has passed since the battle on the road with the weres?
Zarra will listen to the discussion, not talking much yet she will comment on the flying vessel and castle by asking, "I wonder if this is piloted in a way similar to the moving castle of a warlock I met, going by the name of Howl?" Still, she will generally just listen.
Once everyone was getting ready to get started, as the castle had begin moving on the ground, the drow will look to Lora and say on her little blessing, "Thanks, hopefully it makes a difference." There was a high chance it may not, given just how skillful Zarra already was in moving silently and hidden.
Out of Character: Hope that little reference wasn't too intrusive or disagreeable, especially with the Dungeon Master. Also, Kyrroeth, you're thinking of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 as here it is Stealth not Move Silently.
Out of Character: : You are correct Thomas. That's from going back and forth between these two games. Having advantage on stealth is a big help if she doesn't have it already. If you feel it is a waste etc I'll be glad to use it on someone else. Just let me know. Lora could sense her unease or something and not do it anymore.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Nov, 2017 - 4:20pm