Tazskan cannot see anything at present.
Amabalis reports that Tazskan was taken aboard some manner of flying structure. He is currently hiding on top of it, but does not think he can reach his master without being spotted.
The pseudodragon goes on to report that this place seems to have other invaders. A group has been sneaking about, they've already taken down two guards.
Tazskan, thanks Amabalis for his assistance and advises not to come to him at the moment. Not if it is to dangerous.
But to try and maintain close enough distance to maintain contact if needed.
He knows its probably futile,but will try anyway.
He therefore attempts to wriggle loose from his bonds using brute strength.
Tazskan's struggles unfortunately prove fruitless, and his bonds hold firm.
Amabalis reports that the newcomers appears to be about to throw one of the guards over the wall, to the ground which is at least half a mile below.
Out of Character: : I'm assuming that I'm not only bound, but blindfolded and mouth gagged also? That could explain why I cannot see. Either that or a darkness spell, or similar?
Edited: anronrosby on 5th Nov, 2017 - 2:40pm
Zarra watches impassively, not truly caring if the man thrown off to his death, yet she will say to the man, "If you are willing to cooperate, stop struggling and nod your head… otherwise you will fall to your death. Your willingness to talk may save your life." It was a lie, the drow had no intention of letting him live, yet hopefully her words were convincing enough.
Out of Character: I made a role for Deception.
Edited: Thomaslee on 5th Nov, 2017 - 3:24pm
Lawrence observes the goings-on, curious and bit disturbed by the blood thirstiness of his newfound companions. Pondering on the willingness to slaughter helpless enemies, he makes some notes and minor sketches.