Looking at Rezmir without fear, though with a show of respect, Zarra will say disguised as one of the guards they had met and with disguised voice meant to mimic the man's, "We found another snooping around as well, not just the halfling, what should we do with her? Tried to say she belonged to you and pretending to be drunk." Hopefully such a deception will do starting out, remembering what she had been told of how the guards being taken out by such a ruse by Lora.
Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Nov, 2017 - 6:12pm
Velon signals the others to move and tries to avoid any angles that would allow him to be seen through Rezmir's door if it is still open. He mutters the Hold Person spell as quietly as possible from down the steps a bit as the ogres draw near, magic swirling around him as he manipulates the energies granted to him by the gold dragon to form the spell as he desires to paralyze both ogres. He glances back over his shoulder to to ensure Lawrance is coming up close behind hoping he may succeed where Velon may fail. He hopes they can strike down the paralyzed ogres quickly with critical strikes so they can aid their allies against Rezmir as soon as possible. If the door is shut he will close the gap with the ogres a bit.
Out of Character: . Hold person twinned, and using a bonus action to burn a 1st level spell slot into a spare sorcery point. I think I'll be blowing lots of resources here and will need the points. Daishain I believe my spell save DC is currently 15 for those ogre wits!
Rezmir smirks at Poppo's query, "Your… friend is fine. Any harm that comes to him will be a consequence of your choices. As to the other one, take her away and… "She cuts off with a snarl as Cratol charges one way and Lora another. Cratol skirts around the circle and scores a few hits on the half dragon. Lora doesn't make it quite that far, and is still moving around the room when Rezmir gathers herself.
Several things happen at once. The half dragon barks out, "Hazirawn! Mortis!" Apparently in response, massive black sword flies across the room into her outstretched hand, and the shadows underneath her bed begin to move. The shadows shift and flow into a misty shape reminiscent of a large drake, gaining bulk as it looms over Cratol from behind.
Readying her blade against Cratol, she calls out to Poppo, "Meet my familiar little mage, more intimidating than a frog, no? Mortis, leave the halfling in one piece, slaughter the others."
Lawrance sends in the troops, calling out the targets "Those Ogres! Hit them with your breath weapons and then distract them, unless they are paralyzed! If they're stuck, bite and claw them into ribbons! You four to the right one, the rest on the left! Go, Go, Go!" Calling forth his magical resources, he sends a Fire Bolt burrowing into the right hand one. To his team, he calls out "These little guys explode when they die, stay at least 5 feet away!"
SA : As per the plan above.Fire Bolt attack may have to be advantage, depending on the HP results.
Out of Character: : using the rolls made prior, or do I need to reroll?
Edited: Gknightbc on 14th Nov, 2017 - 10:11pm